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Entrolympic Events 2024


Active Member
Congratulations @Dalinha !

For the Gold Medal + the Treasure Map you win 300 PED

For the Piece of Art drawn by our dear friend who we miss very much and who will forever remain in our hearts...

I have not embedded myself into the community as much as I would have liked to so, last phrase or sentence is a tough thing...just my usual positive good night phrases would probably be it...Remember you are unique, you are loved and you matter, hope your days will be forever filled with joy, love and safety. Just never forget to put out into the world what you want back from it. Be the change you want to see around you...Life is too short for hatred. Throw as much love out there as humanity possibe.” – Jonathan Vengence Drake
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Active Member

In black all the squares that have been scouted, and around them all those that could have been scouted...

Players who won something by scouting:

Dalinha's hand: High Card ♦Q/♥3/♦2 ← actual best hand (+goodies x1)
Nakor's hand: High Card ♥10/♥9 (+goodies x2)


Active Member
Results Miss & Mr Costumes Contest "Valentine"s Day"

Whoopzie Honey Honeybun win 30ped (r)
Sophia Electra Sanders win 20ped
Hipatia Hipatia Alexandrina win 5ped
La Dela Dalinha

Nait Naity Regreb win 30ped (r)
Jason Janos-Audron Aguilar win 20ped (r)
Locke Coal Leonidus win 10ped (r)
Akiyoshi HueLord3000 Hara win 5ped
Nakor of Boreft

Thanks for participating and congratulations !

Next Costume Contest Topic is "St Patrick" check opening post for more details :bye:
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New Member
Results Miss & Mr Costumes Contest "Valentine"s Day"
View attachment 4336

Whoopzie Honey Honeybun win 30ped
Sophia Electra Sanders win 20ped
Hipatia Hipatia Alexandrina win 5ped
La Dela Dalinha

Nait Naity Regreb win 30ped
Jason Janos-Audron Aguilar win 20ped
Locke Coal Leonidus win 10ped
Akiyoshi HueLord3000 Hara win 5ped
Nakor of Boreft

Thanks for participating and congratulations !

Next Costume Contest Topic is "St Patrick" check opening post for more details :bye:

Congratulations all, and thank you Jo.


New Member
Tyvm for all the fun on the treasure hunt!

Here are some screenshots I took along the way on this adventure:​

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At Rocktropia, The Shatster 2D - Treasure Map to the Gold Medal pieces 8 and 12

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Visiting some sponsors: Arkadia BIG Industries ALA #05 and Monria Cthylla Towers Shop 1I
- Treasure Map pieces 5 and 6

Needing a magnifying glass for this one - Silver Medal piece 3

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Calypso, Treasure Island Silver 5E - Treasure Map pieces 2 and 3

Striking the vases on Calypso - Silver Medal piece 1

Adjusting the camera settings - Arkadia, Celeste North 12.2 - Treasure Map piece 10

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Cyrene: Looking for "the host's shadow" (aka chase the host!) - Bronze Medal pieces

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Calypso: Looking at the "silent observer" and still not seing its "identity"
- Treasure Map piece 9

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And the final most wanted piece!
"Check behind the walls at Rocktropia", as the clue says
- Treasure Map piece 11



Active Member
Events of the Entrolympic Winter Season 2024 will soon end ! More or less around march 18.

Last week and last chance to participate in the Winter events.