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Entropia wedding


Active Member
Congratulations to the both of you, and ... if you would like me to broadcast the ceremony on-air, let me know. I can also set up a very nice music playlist as well with your favorite songs if you like. Totally your choice if you're up for this, but whatever you choose to do, I'll be there to help you celebrate. :thumbup:

Thank you :) and thank very much MindStar for that awesome offer. A broadcast would be very cool! The music part is pretty much covered but we are open to any suggestions.

Cheers, Roni &Saradu:beerchug:

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Thank you :) and thank very much MindStar for that awesome offer. A broadcast would be very cool! The music part is pretty much covered but we are open to any suggestions.

Cheers, Roni &Saradu:beerchug:

When you say the music part is pretty much covered, I'm not sure what that means. Do you have another source that is playing music for you? Will you be saying everything in text, or ... if it hasn't been offered yet, how about this my dear friends ...

I would like to offer an opportunity for both of you to come on-air together over MSR and say your vows in front of the entire community so that they can hear them over the radio. It could be just the two of you, or the two of you and the person officiating the service. It's quite easily done, and we can even have a "rehearsal" prior to the big day if you like where it's not actually broadcast, but just us in the voice chat going over the details.

I offer this because:
  • it would be easier than putting everything in text
  • people would be typing and the chat screen would scroll too quickly and things missed
  • everyone will be able to hear the specialness of the moment when you exchange vows
  • and if you have anything special that the two of you would like to say to the community, you can
Give it some thought, and let me know what you think. We can discuss the details privately, and Syer and I can set something very special up for the two of you by playing an intro song, and a special song after if you like, and then setting up a special music playlist to run after the ceremony for the after party.
We would be honored to do this for the two of you. :hug:

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Oops ... just read in your avatar area Roni that you are a DJ on Normandie Radio :thumbup: ... so perhaps things have been set up already in that respect with the music, etc. I fully support the other radio stations and what they provide for our community, so it's all good for sure.

However, if there's anything additional that MSR can do for the two of you, then please let us know. :)

If you want to learn more about the history of MSR, or more about the services we offer, then visit the newly updated website (click the link in my signature).


Active Member
congratz i hope ill be able to scrape up some peds to get there :D

Keep me informed Cirko...I will be flying quite a lot around the universe the week prior before the wedding (getting supplies n stuff) ..I can pick you up if you like

Cheers, Roni


Things that make you go Hmm!
aww I will try to stop by but its at the time I pick up my lil one from school.


Best wishes on this special day for you guys, cherish every moment of it and enjoy the beginning of your new life together :beerchug: