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Epic Jellyworm Pet


New Member
Acquired this pet a few days ago.

I have not been able to progress the criteria for Increased Pet Focus Generation. Does anyone know how to do it?


P.s. this jellyworm appears to have some levels ;)


As far as I remember, for the "Increase Pet Focus generation" buff criteria you just need to do tricks, that is, nothing special is required.
But on the other hand, if you are already leveling the Pet, then how the criteria remained equal to the zero...

I could be mistaken, since many years have passed since I was involved in this. And at that time there was no such buff by 50% (were only 10, 15 and 20%), they may differ.
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New Member
The pet now at level 4 has Greet, Dance, Bow, and Roll Over tricks. Using these tricks doesn't progress the criteria for Increase Pet Focus Generation, which is why I am asking here if anyone knows how to progress it.


The pet now at level 4 has Greet, Dance, Bow, and Roll Over tricks. Using these tricks doesn't progress the criteria for Increase Pet Focus Generation, which is why I am asking here if anyone knows how to progress it.
It sounds stupid, but try different sequences of tricks.


New Member
Did you definitely try all the tricks, including the weakest - Greet? (Yes, this is ineffective for leveling, but be sure to try).
Yes. Greeted it alot for the first level since it was the only trick available then, and greeted it every level after level 1, including level 2, 3, 4 and 5. Still at 0.0% criteria for this passive.


New Member
Life is too short to skill up the pet without the Increased Pet Focus Generation passive.

Kris, any suggestions on how to increase the criteria for it so I can finally unlock it?


Yes. Greeted it alot for the first level since it was the only trick available then, and greeted it every level after level 1, including level 2, 3, 4 and 5. Still at 0.0% criteria for this passive.

Well. This means the method of unlocking the criteria is different for Increased Pet Focus Generation of classical power (10, 15 and 20%), and a new 50%.
Exactly the same buff has only another pet - Tezlapod Pet. Search on the PCF, quickly gave the result: https://www.planetcalypsoforum.com/forum/index.php?threads/tezlapod-increase-focus-unlock.297191/
It is only necessary to tame pets. +2% growth of the criterioafor each taming attempt.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Glad this got sorted, really want to say thank you to Aeolus for coming with a solution that worked =)
