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Estates on release date?


New Member
I heard more and more rumours that there will be estates released directly on the release date. As far as I know, a planet partner is allowed to hand out/sell estates only, if he brought a lot users in.

So the rumour above must be wrong... still it would be nice, if we could get any official statement on this... please?


New Member
Similar to Shops and Booths, there will be nothing for the soft launch.
when they do launch in all the time i have played the game yes apartments are nice and even though i do own one there well not as useful or used as they could be. apartments should have the same exact rules as shops. you should not need a shopkeeper in one to sell items they already have a disadvantage of not having the best location to conduct business and also do not have the same count in items that can be placed in them. so would not affect to a huge degree the general worth of owning a "shop". just an idea to mull over instead of having a bunch of cool looking ghost town type buildings laying around