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FIXED Executor Andre


Jetman awesome work!!!!

Please start another thread and i will gladly help with information. Also perfect that you do this on pedia.

Paneleon weekly is 25.15 inflict ranged damage. Any maturity counts and all of the weekly missions are kill point missions.
I might start mang chang weekly today to find out what is the tt value of reward, but no guarantees, really not looking forward bravado :/
Other option is to start working towards rhino beetle mission chain.

Any info on inperiums and imperium pilots? What rewards and tt values?



Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
Jetman awesome work!!!!

Please start another thread and i will gladly help with information. Also perfect that you do this on pedia.

Paneleon weekly is 25.15 inflict ranged damage. Any maturity counts and all of the weekly missions are kill point missions.
I might start mang chang weekly today to find out what is the tt value of reward, but no guarantees, really not looking forward bravado :/
Other option is to start working towards rhino beetle mission chain.

Any info on inperiums and imperium pilots? What rewards and tt values?


done a new thread, thanks for the help
