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[Expectations] Upcoming VU


Well-Known Member
Hi Folks,

Lets summarize what do we expect to be done from planet partner this VU.
They seem to forget quite often what has been promised to their player base.

My expectations are very low this time.

- I just want working ARC vendors (waiting over 1 year).
- All missions to work.
- Improved drop rates on all local loot (Targeting chips, Strong sinew etc..).
- Training grounds in Cyrene space.
- A high res image of your office (Optional).

If above is not implemented. I will simply not spend a single pec on this planet.


Active Member
I missed the start of Cyrene chat late last night when a certain someone mentioned Cyrene felt a bit cramped and later that he'd like more space to fly... not sure if it was a hint.
But anyways I'll bet Krasko gets his wish and devs post some office pic. :D

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Well-Known Member
I expect them to make a nice big statue of my avatar, that will give me 1000 peds every time i walk past it, else i will not spend a single pec on this planet.

Maybe, just maybe you're not being very realistic there Krasko.
Personally i'm hoping for another epic mission chain (but a bit easier), i love those :)


Well-Known Member
I am also adding
- decorative fence
- a pet with titties
- THC sweat from the weeds used for making the Chill essence.



Active Member
Hopefully all avatars on Cyrene during update get a pet hackfin that can only be summoned under water...
I'm joking ofc.

I'd be happy with a pet pleak! :xxxlaugh:

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
I would like to see a uber armor on Cyrene... and bugs repaired
think we'd need an Uber mob first, only real candidates is the wave bosses, but shared loot will upset people or the Big Jellyworms, 15k HP.

unless the armor is made in parts like the fap/rifle at the end of an epic? maybe the incoming Paneleon boss?

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
but i'm thinking uber armor is on the lvl of the wurm, Eon, Dark Knight sets, pretty sure for standard v rare loot, they would need to be mobs with over 100k HP requiring well built teams, The huusk has 1.95m (according to Entropedia) and aakas Golden door can cost upwards to 9k ped (key cost included). The Zelda Rho "only has 19k" and rhinos 7.7k, dunno on hps of the bosses, maybe 10k-15k? all i'd consider high to v high mobs (Rho borders on Uber)

unless you mean armor like Angel, Shadow & maybe Chronicle, then yeah would be great if these mobs are able to drop Cyrene versions


Active Member
Well, I'm now in the phase of slowly increasing surprise that Cyrene is still in existance. I've tried to change my pulse to completely lethargic when it comes to Cyrene expectations - I'd maybe even pass as a zombie by now.

We haven't even had the updates to what Cyrene is responsible for, namely their 'planet evolution' system. Maybe each change still needs MA, so it is like asking superglue to help you get unstuck, but the 'forgetting' of even these life signs stucks!

I don't even have expectations of corrected spelling mistakes these days. Loads of my missions still have no counter, so I don't even know which creatures 'count'.
Even implemented stuff is starting to look mythical! Remember key cubes? Remember ingredients for various materials? Ah, yes, they are supposed to become useful at SOME point? Well, when Cyrene care to inform us that the time has finally come (with proper, good coverage of changes and improvements), maybe I will drop by.

Sorry for the despondent tone for those with positive expectations, by the way. I wish you GL!


Well-Known Member
Lilmc was in game today.

#cyrene] [Cyrene Official Lilmc] Working on getting a higher resolution picture of the office

He know how to solve our problem.

2016-09-09 09:33:55 [#cyrene] [Cyrene Official Lilmc] I found a permamnent solution to the issue :) all I can say for now
2016-09-09 09:34:45 [#cyrene] [Cyrene Official Lilmc] if you like you could leave anytime you like

So, if you have a problem on Cyrene just leave, this will solve your problem...
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Lilmc | Cyrene

Former Official of the greatest community.
Staff member
So, if you have a problem on Cyrene just leave, this will solve your problem...

Oi Justine!

I apologize for the confusion and miscommunication I've caused you, as mention in the conversation we had earlier. We're aware of the issues you're expericing in-game with several missions and unable to complete to obtain the reward. We will resolve the issues that has created obstacle from completing the mission.

If you have any additional questions or concern my inbox is open to you.



Active Member
but i'm thinking uber armor is on the lvl of the wurm, Eon, Dark Knight sets, pretty sure for standard v rare loot, they would need to be mobs with over 100k HP requiring well built teams, The huusk has 1.95m (according to Entropedia) and aakas Golden door can cost upwards to 9k ped (key cost included). The Zelda Rho "only has 19k" and rhinos 7.7k, dunno on hps of the bosses, maybe 10k-15k? all i'd consider high to v high mobs (Rho borders on Uber)

unless you mean armor like Angel, Shadow & maybe Chronicle, then yeah would be great if these mobs are able to drop Cyrene versions

How big was the Terranix??? Would it have met the criteria for uber mob?
Found in OLD post so please don't necro that topic. http://cyreneforum.com/threads/a-nice-one.1274/

No doubt Cyrene devs have it shelved so if it's uber enough (and with a lot of begging) they might bring it back?!.

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
How big was the Terranix??? Would it have met the criteria for uber mob?
Found in OLD post so please don't necro that topic. http://cyreneforum.com/threads/a-nice-one.1274/

No doubt Cyrene devs have it shelved so if it's uber enough (and with a lot of begging) they might bring it back?!.
before my cyrene days there :) but looking at the picture it has 1460 hp (stamina *10), from that pic looks like a marcimax

Quote from Map upgrades
Panton Jungle
  • Level 1 - Paneleon Kill Point mission. - Unlocked for the next PP VU.
  • Level 2 - A new creature with maturity range and Iron Missions.
You never know, you might have guessed the new(old) creature ;)
  • Like
Reactions: Hec


Well-Known Member
Oi Justine!

I apologize for the confusion and miscommunication I've caused you, as mention in the conversation we had earlier. We're aware of the issues you're expericing in-game with several missions and unable to complete to obtain the reward. We will resolve the issues that has created obstacle from completing the mission.

If you have any additional questions or concern my inbox is open to you.


No problem, you just lost another player.... I clean my storage on Cyrene actually. Thx for all, if i can say that, i didn't see anything new or repaired...

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

There's a lot of speculation and expectations here in this thread.

I know that everyone wants to have a really great VU, we here at Planet Cyrene want that as well.

When I have more information about what to expect with this coming VU I will let everyone know.

We're doing what we can to work with MindArk and improve Cyrene.
