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I would like to propose for all Cyrene players an experiment. Swunt circle on paneleon youngs; We all know cyrene is not newbie friendly on mobs and so far the lowest mob I've found is Dire Weed Sprouteds that hits about 3-5 damange, and for new players with 80 HP and almost no evade can be hard. So this saturday I'll be organizing a swunt circle on the paneleons between Rookie TP and ARC Staging,.

I'll set up a team where I'll be only healing and the setup will be "Damage Share Loot" with 1% to healer just to cover repair expenses. If for some kindness of Lootius we get some armor / weapon anyone that gets it can keep it and share the TT value with other members of team, otherwise we sell and split among the killing players. Damage should be 8 max. I'won't be buying sweat, just provide heal support for all players on event. Hope we can make this work.

Will be healing 18:00 MA time
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New Member
Great idea. I'll try and be there. I will be happy to buy all sweat from the circle at 2.5/k as an added incentive.

Gisela Dawes

Active Member
We gave this a try sometime ago and you will need a rather large group to sweat young paneleons or a lot of healing. Anf for a sweat circle that big, puny mang changs could be a better choice.
Now about solo sweating mobs, puny crystal pedes or recently hatched empi can be a good choice and both have missions. And for a complete noob building his first evade skills, pleaks are a geat way to start.


Let's see how it goes, I'm not long date perm here, so I based on the damage I can take and the speed I can heal, so if we gather like 10 players at least I think will do fine. Also I'm oppened to suggestions to mobs with large HP and not more than 10-15 damage. I'll be using Herb Box and Healing chip III


Well-Known Member
We gave this a try sometime ago and you will need a rather large group to sweat young paneleons or a lot of healing. Anf for a sweat circle that big, puny mang changs could be a better choice.

Maybe i am thinking of the wrong paneleons, but i'm quite certain there are some small paneleons i can sweat dry before they kill me?

EDIT: btw what time approximately on saturday?

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Don't ever focus on damage, focus on DPS. I can do like 10x the DPS of other players by using a gun with 4-8 damage but 80 attacks per minute. Just all use a TT laser pistol it's the most eco options for new players anyways.

I'm down though sounds fun, is it over?


Did not ran as I expected but we were able to pull it out. We will study other typs of mobs to next week and if we find the right one, maybe we turn this in a daily event. Special thanks to Max, Riverrun, Arthur and everyone that attended to event, keep an ey on this topic or other similar to this for more news


Well-Known Member
I would like to propose for all Cyrene players an experiment. Swunt circle on paneleon youngs; We all know cyrene is not newbie friendly on mobs and so far the lowest mob I've found is Dire Weed Sprouteds that hits about 3-5 damange, and for new players with 80 HP and almost no evade can be hard. So this saturday I'll be organizing a swunt circle on the paneleons between Rookie TP and ARC Staging,.

I'll set up a team where I'll be only healing and the setup will be "Damage Share Loot" with 1% to healer just to cover repair expenses. If for some kindness of Lootius we get some armor / weapon anyone that gets it can keep it and share the TT value with other members of team, otherwise we sell and split among the killing players. Damage should be 8 max. I'won't be buying sweat, just provide heal support for all players on event. Hope we can make this work.

Will be healing 18:00 MA time

Already tested and not working good for newer players with less defense skills.
The problem with Cyrene mobs is they don't switch fast enough.

It has been pointed several times here in forum.
As all other stuff on the planet this will be fixed in several years.