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The Hub Extra Hub areas


Well-Known Member
Just now I wasn't :( Do you have to try several times? Every entry costs pvp tokens which you cannot convert since there is nobody there.
Sounds like it has been fixed. You just need to go to 10 ped area lobby, no need to enter inside the arena.
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Just now I wasn't :( Do you have to try several times? Every entry costs pvp tokens which you cannot convert since there is nobody there.

You didn't have to pay to enter the area and only required one try. It was by going into the paid arena entrance TP's at the main HUB room and simply leaving right after you came in that triggered it. But I think they fixed it now and you can't enter the hidden area with this bug anymore. When I last tried a few weeks ago some arena TP's had gotten repaired and others still worked to go to the place. However the bug had broken all the arenas and I think by now they all may have been fixed.
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Sandal San Tolk
Thanks for the clarification. Only was in the 25 pec arena, should have checked out the others before flying off again. Sometimes my brain has more holes than swiss cheese. Hmm, this lends an idea how they could implement access to the area... hint hint ;)