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Do you need more information on ideological stances of factions before choosing a faction?

  • Don't know

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George Skywalker

Active Member
Please read post fully before voting. Thanks.

With factions it has always been the lack of knowledge regarding the different factions that prevented me from pursuing any storyline/mission etc. By lack of knowledge I don't mean which faction gets better items/loot etc but rather the ideological/storyline basis for choosing a faction.

Personally I can't just pick one at random or choose one arbitrarily there has to be some reason or purpose. This purpose/reason has been lacking. I've read the background storylines but still felt like this.

So imho if you want players to engage with the storyline/missions etc I think there has to be more ideological information on the factions. This could be in storylines but also in some condensed form e.g. a factions thread on forum that outlines differences between factions, ideological reasons for choosing a particular faction...

I realise Cyrene is still in soft launch and so perhaps this kind of information has been reserved for later (i.e. full launch with external marketing) so as not to give any advantage to existing EU players. Which I can understand and also agree with.

Anyway not sure if this kind of sentiment for choosing factions is common amongst players or if I'm just an "outlier".

So perhaps it would be interesting to see what others think. It's for that purpose I attach a poll...


Active Member
I want more info too, but I think it is possible to pick up missions for different faction without loosing the opportunity to pick mission for other faction. At least for most missions.


Fate Thanatos Themis
We are shoting Imperiums on daily basis... so they got to be those bad ones, dont they? j/k
Ofc im interested in how the story looks like of all of those, but unless the all drama is already prepared, i would prefare Cyrene team to focus more on bugs, visual aspect of the planet, and interesting loot, to make more ppl come here. Cheers!

George Skywalker

Active Member
I want more info too, but I think it is possible to pick up missions for different faction without loosing the opportunity to pick mission for other faction. At least for most missions.

I suspect that's a temporary arrangement at some stage the full vision of factions will be switched on, where choosing a faction will have consequences in terms of storyline development. Devs obviously cant switch on their full version until full launch.

Basically what we probably have now are go kill 100 mobs and then a million mobs etc. I don't really consider those to be real missions. It's what we are used to on Calypso.

However, I suppose I have more expectations for cyrene. Where real storyline missions will make the game more engaging and choices like which faction your in and what choices you make within the faction will lead along different storyline paths.

i would prefare Cyrene team to focus more on bugs, visual aspect of the planet, and interesting loot, to make more ppl come here. Cheers!

Make more people come here via loot massaging has not been the behaviour of Cyrene devs so far and I don't think they should change their stance on that. What matters more is an engaging planet. Yes, economy, bug fixing etc matter but not at the expense of originality/creativity...