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Feeling lost? Alone?


You don't have to be :)

There are now channels available 24/7 to ask questions and get information or tips about Cyrene.

#cyrene - Not only applicable on planet but echoes all around the universe, its ideal to gather info and for chatting about the planet or anything actually ;)

#cyrenetrade - when you are searching for or looking to sell loot or items

In order to join any of the above or any other channel in EU, you just have to type "/join #name_of_channel" without the quotes, for example "/join #cyrene". Click on the channel's name to switch to it and you are done.

Also, in case you don't find someone online with knowledge on your particular subject, you can always visit CyreneSecrets. Created and maintained from our own Thanatos, it should be your one stop about all Cyrene info in one handy place.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Great thread Manny,

I'll take this time to also mention the #TheHub - for anyone interested in a skills oriented PvP.



Active Member
Ok, now I was told the channel was Cyrene-Trade and now there seems to be a bickerfest between Cyrene-Trade and cyrenetrade?

what gives on this, what if any is the 'official' channel. I had someone ask me this and kind of felt like an idiot because I did not have a real answer for them.



Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey sluggo,

I'm not in either one of the trade channels to be honest, but I can see how this is confusing. All the channels are player made aside from the starting channels. I don't think it would do any harm to be in both. Or maybe check how many people are in each channel and join the bigger channel?

I'm sure that at some point, one of the channels will over take the other on this matter.
