Active Member
Hyellow everyone! 
I was born on Arkadia in December 2015 and lived there for my first few months; it is definitely a nice planet and I really loved it, but a bit too big and crowded for my taste, plus I was never able to click with the community there (not blaming them, I take the fault on that, I'm generally not good at dealing with large number of people), so at some point I decided to leave. I moved to Rocktropia, but this time the experience was quite the opposite, I loved the community (I know many won't agree, but I really loved most of those guys), but I just couldn't relate to the planet's theme, so I really couldn't feel at home there either. So, sometime last summer, when some things changed in my real life, I decided to quit the game for good; however, as many people say, you can take a break from EU, but you can never quit it, so here I am, back in the game.
I tried for a bit both of my old places, but it looks not much changed during my sabbatic year... still love Arkadia, but don't like (most of) the Arkadians, and still love (most of) the Rocktropians, but don't like Rocktropia - lol. Then I remember the time I spent (about one month) here on Cyrene and I remembered that both the planet and community looked amazing to me back then... so here I am, back on Cyrene, with all my stuff (not that there's much of it) hoping to find a new home. I have this crazy goal of sweating 1,000,000 bottles, so guess you'll find me most of the time on the beach near Rookie Training area. Hope to meet you all in the game!
Best regards,
I was born on Arkadia in December 2015 and lived there for my first few months; it is definitely a nice planet and I really loved it, but a bit too big and crowded for my taste, plus I was never able to click with the community there (not blaming them, I take the fault on that, I'm generally not good at dealing with large number of people), so at some point I decided to leave. I moved to Rocktropia, but this time the experience was quite the opposite, I loved the community (I know many won't agree, but I really loved most of those guys), but I just couldn't relate to the planet's theme, so I really couldn't feel at home there either. So, sometime last summer, when some things changed in my real life, I decided to quit the game for good; however, as many people say, you can take a break from EU, but you can never quit it, so here I am, back in the game.
I tried for a bit both of my old places, but it looks not much changed during my sabbatic year... still love Arkadia, but don't like (most of) the Arkadians, and still love (most of) the Rocktropians, but don't like Rocktropia - lol. Then I remember the time I spent (about one month) here on Cyrene and I remembered that both the planet and community looked amazing to me back then... so here I am, back on Cyrene, with all my stuff (not that there's much of it) hoping to find a new home. I have this crazy goal of sweating 1,000,000 bottles, so guess you'll find me most of the time on the beach near Rookie Training area. Hope to meet you all in the game!
Best regards,