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Flamebather version 1-5 , the same damage, bug?


New Member
i think they have an added effect , some do at least , post up a screenie of the info page.


A pixel guy
Effect is briefly described in the 3rd pane of the item's info window (stun, freeze, etc). I believe that versions 1-5 differ by the strength/duration of these effects (and the tt version has none).
Spot the differences please


The Notorious Daisy ColdFinger
Ed did mention some additional explanitory info willbe added to the weapons....not sure when though. Maybe after they are no longer available in UL :D
But in action I see no differences between 2 guns. Will they be different from each other or the same guns but different names?

Ed Robles 3

Active Member
Hello Ninforever, there will be some changes and adjustments made to the Token weapons this patch on Tuesday. We will also have some displays in The Hub with the weapons and more info on the special effects that they have.
Oh very nice to hear that. You guys are the best. Just thinking about using those UL guns in hunting mobs in Hub in the future, I cannot wait till there. Too many potentials.