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Wish List Flashlight Attachment


Active Member
I've seen it repeated many times on how dark the planet is. And while I can agree it's pretty darn dark, I see why. Most of the times the light is obscured by the trees and or the high cliffs. In the areas where the light isn't blocked by this, it seems perfectly fine to me.

Soo, I'm not saying to change the darkness of night, I love it. However, what I think would be pretty nifty would be to have flashlights. These flashlights could be used on their own, in the case of explorers and non-combatants, but could also be used as a weapon attachment on guns.

I think this would be a pretty nice way to combat the issue, not to mention would look really cool seeing a team hunt going through the dark with the flashlights waving around. Would certainly add something to the atmosphere I think.

Also.. flashlight tag anyone? XD

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Many have offered up suggestions for adding light to the night cycle in one way or another, BUT ... I really like your idea, because it's not only practical, it also offers possibilities for added fun, so thanks for posting.

I also like the idea of the flashlight as an attachment to a weapon. Even though green dots show up on radar (except PVP), it would make for a handy tool for search and rescue during the night cycle as well (thinking of Cyrene Recon & Rescue society).

Looks like you're getting into the groove here - nice to have you as a new Cyrene participant. :thumbup:


Active Member
Darkness is very much dependent on whether you are in windowed mode or not, plus whether your shading quality is set to low/medium or high and above....
So try out some changes if the darkness is rather too dark :)

I like the flashlight idea too, though, especially if there is a kind of swing when running. In a swunting group on another planet we used to park valks with the lights on to brighten things up - it added to the atmosphere :)


Active Member
Darkness isn't so much a problem for me. I run on very high, windowed and full and see no difference. I find it to be very appropriate and proper darkness. I just understand how people get frustrated with it being so dark, and is something I'll be getting an earful about plenty on the game that I'm working on as well, heh.

Hehe, I remember seeing all the vehicles parked around places like Neas, with the lights on at night to brighten up the sweat group. Fun times.