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Forum downtime


Staff member
Tomorrow, Tuesday July 16th, the forum will be temporarily down for maintenance and upgrading. In the process, we will upgrade the forum to the latest version of XenForo, and move it to a new server.

This involves updating DNS records, which can take several hours once initiated. The forum will not be available during this time, but we will try to ensure the downtime will be minimal.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
A HUGE thank you to SchmitzIT for this forum upgrade!

We're still setting up some of the theming but overall a colossal step forward (try to see the forum on mobile now!)


New Member
Hi, there seems to be a problem with a "login.gif" image - it seems to have an incorrect url - I get this incorrect url: https://cyreneforum.com/threads/forum-downtime.8924/styles/default/Cyrene/login.gif
when I am on https://cyreneforum.com/threads/forum-downtime.8924/

Not sure, when or where it should be displayed, but it seems it is shown on different pages when I am not logged in. Looks like a missing slash ("/") before "styles" where the image is defined.

Oh, and another thing: I think it would be cool if "http" requests were redirected to "https" if possible :)


Staff member
Hi, there seems to be a problem with a "login.gif" image - it seems to have an incorrect url - I get this incorrect url: https://cyreneforum.com/threads/forum-downtime.8924/styles/default/Cyrene/login.gif
when I am on https://cyreneforum.com/threads/forum-downtime.8924/

Not sure, when or where it should be displayed, but it seems it is shown on different pages when I am not logged in. Looks like a missing slash ("/") before "styles" where the image is defined.

Oh, and another thing: I think it would be cool if "http" requests were redirected to "https" if possible :)

Thanks! I fixed it. I'll see what can be done about the https defaults.


New Member
Thanks :) Now, maybe it would be better to use different font color - the image is quite dark.
Regarding http redirect - it seems to work now :)


Staff member
Thanks :) Now, maybe it would be better to use different font color - the image is quite dark.
Regarding http redirect - it seems to work now :)
Unfortunately, that sort of stuff is beyond my skillset. But Maybe Kris can provide a new/lighter image. I still have to fix the style, though, which has been delayed due to my vacation (and issues at my job that are interrupting said vacation, haha). That might also be a potential fix for the color clashes with the image.


New Member
Well, looking at the html source, the color seems to be defined by the css class ".notice.notice--primary", but not sure what the effect would be if changed to white or something :) I mean - not sure what a notice is on this forum.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Unfortunately, that sort of stuff is beyond my skillset. But Maybe Kris can provide a new/lighter image. I still have to fix the style, though, which has been delayed due to my vacation (and issues at my job that are interrupting said vacation, haha). That might also be a potential fix for the color clashes with the image.
I am keeping an eye on this thread and am *actively* working towards improving the visuals with Shawna =)