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Bug Report Found a Hovering Tent

Found this while wandering around:

Entropia 2019-05-15 19.45.35.jpg
Entropia 2019-05-15 19.47.39.jpg
It was quite amusing when I found it, and cool to see what the full object model looked like. Too bad the tent was too high for me to see what the collision was on the underside, but I figured you'd want to know :)
Looks like your PC just didnt render it yet? Looks like it's doing that thing that the Mall in Port Atlantis does where you fall through the floor all the time. Looks like you're standing where the cement square is with the helipad but it just hasn't loaded yet.
I stood there and stared at it for a while to make sure it wasn't a lag issue. I've done level design, it's an easy to make mistake, especially if you're working on the landscape underneath it; and it's not really a big deal on set dressing, but it does break immersion, so I figured I'd let Kris know. I don't know how the level design editor in Cry2 works, but if it's anything like Unity or Unreal 4 it'll be an easy fix for a patch or PP VU.