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Getting BP´s


New Member
How do you get cyrene blueprints? all im getting is basic sheet metal and basic bearings blueprints.

Kinda hard to integrate to this planet if you cant get items that is from this planet?

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Mayhem,

This is something that we have brought up to MA, however the solution isn’t so cut and dry. From my own understanding it’s quite difficult to get specific blueprints throughout the Entropia Universe. We will try to bridge this gap as we can while still utilizing this system.



Active Member
visit the nearest auctioneer. ;)

On a more serious note, try crafting something from a different type of blueprint... you aren't going to find weapon bps if you just keep crafting components. That'll just get you welding wire, etc. You have to be crafting the type of bp you want to drop in order to get the drop, and yes, it can take a while for it to drop.... and when it does it's probably going to be an L print. UL prints are getting more and more rare daily.

On a side note, Cyrene recently added more lands up north that you can mine Calypso type stuff from, so those universal blueprints can be used here more than they could in the past...
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Aryana Ary Softheart

Active Member
Hey Mayhem,

This is something that we have brought up to MA, however the solution isn’t so cut and dry. From my own understanding it’s quite difficult to get specific blueprints throughout the Entropia Universe. We will try to bridge this gap as we can while still utilizing this system.

you'd think that planet specific BP's would drop on the respective planets while crafting on that planet.


Cyrene Crusader
you'd think that planet specific BP's would drop on the respective planets while crafting on that planet.
Yes, at least when also crafting with planet spesific BP. When crafting with key cubes BP or other Cyrene BP, I mostly get universal BP drops, and on rare occasions Cyrene spesific L bps. UL BPs are pretty hard to get - it's far cheaper to buy those you need.