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Wish List Give the Imperium and A.R.C an HQ

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
with the upcoming map update adding a Officer spawn, would it be possible to give them an HQ, on the last map the imperium had a base near the old ARC HQ with Vets and a Airfield for the pilots, Fenris and Scouts. Currently they stand around in a field.

Also it would be good if the ARC can have an HQ again, but with the NPCs laid out more realistic (sat at desks, working at crafting stations) not stood in a line
Office? Desks? Meh. How about a shooting range? ;) NPCs could fire a shot or two once in a while, triggered by mission being completed or whatever.

Careful though, hordes of nonfunctional NPCs and other eye candy can easily create lots of lag.