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Greater Power Crystal


New Member
Hi, i have finished all stages in Zorra Winters Epic mission and now i have to find the Greater Power Crystal

if you can give me any info about which mobs drop them, would be thankful

thanks, stelios..


Well-Known Member
Hi, i have finished all stages in Zorra Winters Epic mission and now i have to find the Greater Power Crystal

if you can give me any info about which mobs drop them, would be thankful

thanks, stelios..

Crystal drop from Zyn Dos. One drop every 5-10 years :D


You had me with bacon
There were four of us who completed the mission chain in the same week. None are able to summon the Lazidol. Actually, of all those who have finished the Epic Fail, not more than 7-10 ppl or so are in possession of the Greater Crystal.

To get the Greater one, you have to combine 1 Lesser Power Crystal with 1 Weakened Power Crystal.
One of them has a tt value of 100 ped, the other 200. Only two Weakened have been looted in the last year (at least according to Entropialife) and no Lesser.
It's very obvious that both crystals are set to be ridiculously rare, but I'm guessing the high tt value also adds to the problem. As loot nowadays consists of 30-80% shrapnel, it'll take a considerable hof to have a Crystal in it.

Ever since the mission was launched in 2013? has it been known that the crystals are unreasonably rare. It has been discussed before, but nothing has changed.

Question to the officials/devs:
Is there any reason at all why the crystals are practically impossible to loot?
Do you find it fair to advertise for such an expensive mission on the planet launcher, without mentioning that the players completing it that they'll be unlikely to even summon the Lazidol, which is the only reason anyone would cycle over 3500$ in the first place?


New Member
There were four of us who completed the mission chain in the same week. None are able to summon the Lazidol. Actually, of all those who have finished the Epic Fail, not more than 7-10 ppl or so are in possession of the Greater Crystal.

To get the Greater one, you have to combine 1 Lesser Power Crystal with 1 Weakened Power Crystal.
One of them has a tt value of 100 ped, the other 200. Only two Weakened have been looted in the last year (at least according to Entropialife) and no Lesser.
It's very obvious that both crystals are set to be ridiculously rare, but I'm guessing the high tt value also adds to the problem. As loot nowadays consists of 30-80% shrapnel, it'll take a considerable hof to have a Crystal in it.

Ever since the mission was launched in 2013? has it been known that the crystals are unreasonably rare. It has been discussed before, but nothing has changed.

Question to the officials/devs:
Is there any reason at all why the crystals are practically impossible to loot?
Do you find it fair to advertise for such an expensive mission on the planet launcher, without mentioning that the players completing it that they'll be unlikely to even summon the Lazidol, which is the only reason anyone would cycle over 3500$ in the first place?

thanks for the infos, at least now i know what mob drop them and what is the tt of each crystal..


Well-Known Member
The entire mission chain work. Reward at the end work.
The weapon upgrade work too, but you can't loot items for upgrade yourself.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I talk about this here: >>LINK<<

The TL;DR of it is that we're looking for the best work around for these to be way less rare than they currently are.

From the link:

While we both (Planet Cyrene and MA) have different parts when it comes to how loot drops, the final say when it comes to rate and frequency ultimately falls outside of our jurisdiction. I do always try to be a champion for Planet Cyrene and make sure that items drop at a fair rate as I can (but I'm not always able to).

The short version is that I'm getting the same answers for these similarly to what I was told about the A.R.C. vendors, which is that they do come but are quite slow to where it seems to me that it's not enough.

When one thing doesn't work the way that we want on Cyrene we do what every developer does: find a work around. So there's two prongs we're looking at to try and solve this:

1) Executing the similar method we used with Lazidol and Empis Wasp loot: split the item into smaller TT increments to have increased frequency

- or -

2) Monthly or Bi-monthly (every other month) events at the event area where players can win these items from within the event system.
