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Bug Report Green Healing Value


Active Member
The daily turn in mission Green Healing.

In the ARC Training Area, you bring Requisitions Officer Kevin 5 Green crystals and he gives you 2 Cyrene Tokens.

You are giving him 15 PEC of goods for two tokens, that is the equivalent of 7.5 pec you are paying per token.

All the other 'collect and turn in' type daily missions the value of each token .vs. what you give for it is 5 pec.

This makes this specific mission much more expensive to do than any of the other turn in missions for no apparent other reasons.

Increasing the reward from 2 tokens to 3 tokens would bring the value back to 5 pec per token and re align it with all the other missions.

Thank you


New Member
Considering that tokens currently have minimum value essentially capped at 10 pec, it's not really a priority in my opinion. It's still a slight profit and a way to use up green crystals. Not all rewards have to be equal really - only when they are so low that nobody is doing the mission is there a problem.


Active Member
No it's not a big priority but still something that can be looked at. Why 'use up' crystals, id rather not throw ped away.


Active Member
Were talking about the task, not what you make on them on the AH. Pick a straw man and stick with it
