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H.e.a.r.t. fap VIII requirements?


Active Member
I am still on VII, almost halfway there with those nasty skreels, Anyone care to share the requirements for the next stage?
Hey guys, I'm almost done with the 5000 kills but I think I'll need a bit of help with the BP clicks.

I'm very far away from maxing or even starting SIB period on that blueprint. ¿Maybe I can borrow a higher QR one from some of you?

Anyway, this is a shot in the dark PM me if you can help.
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Active Member
Hey guys, I'm almost done with the 5000 kills but I think I'll need a bit of help with the BP clicks.

I'm very far away from maxing or even starting SIB period on that blueprint. ¿Maybe I can borrow a higher QR one from some of you?

Anyway, this is a shot in the dark PM me if you can help.

It's costly, but the missions speaks about "attempts", so even if you dont have the required skill.. you can do your 60 attempts. the costly part being the cyrenium I think.
Then if you don't have any success, buy the required skullmalgams from auction or from another player.