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A week ago my account was hacked, and they took everything from me...
The funny thing is that most of the things were at 0TT and were the result of unique missions, like VIVO or Calypso's Bukin... and that includes the Fap, which was at level VI or VII, I don't remember...

Well... being a unique mission, how can I get the Fap again and start upgrading again?

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hello Dante Antorius Inferno,

A week ago my account was hacked, and they took everything from me...
The funny thing is that most of the things were at 0TT and were the result of unique missions, like VIVO or Calypso's Bukin... and that includes the Fap, which was at level VI or VII, I don't remember...

Well... being a unique mission, how can I get the Fap again and start upgrading again?

Sorry to hear about your account, I think the best course of action is to reach out to support and create a ticket.

You can then PM me your ID and I'll reach out to them directly as well for anything Cyrene related.



New Member
Sadly, mine was haked too, i think bout 2.5 years ago, same thing....lost a lot of sentimental/nosta
lgic things. My bp's and shares were untouched and i'd even gained the free new year's gift plannt! (apparently i bought it for 500ped of the auction)

Long story short.
I opened a ticket and was told "We can see your account was accessed from another country and we advise you to notify your local authorities"

Kris: is there a chance I could get my Cyrene items back? I'd love to get back that HUB only knife, even with 0p tt value :)
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Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Nakor,

Can you send me a PM with more details, as well as your support ticket ID and full avatar name, we can go from there.
