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Harvesting Trees


Active Member
A few quick questions.
Last VU brought out harvesting trees for wood that can be used in the future for 'stuff'.

From what I have seen, there are no harvest able trees on Cyrene.
I have been told that it is because there are no 'real trees' here, that the ones we see are just texture / background and not 'items / entities' like the harvest ones are.

Are there currently any trees on Cyrene that can be harvested? Yes / No ?
If Yes, can you give an approx location, as most folks have not found them yet.
If None exist, why not?

Thank you

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey sluggo,

Are there currently any trees on Cyrene that can be harvested? Yes / No ?
If Yes, can you give an approx location, as most folks have not found them yet.
If None exist, why not?

The answer is no, none currently exist. We thought there were going to be some coming in this VU or the Mini Patch and I believe that the trees are already selected, however, if I understand correctly that this feature will be slowly spread out to all Planet Partners.



Active Member
That's odd because Arkadia has trees and even Rocktopia I am told by many, has harvestable trees. Rock is a planet which is fairly dead, has trees but Cyrene is left out again? A MAJOR system is introduced into the game and nobody on C team is 'sure' what the plans are / were for it? Again??? Really???

How is it that Cyrene is always getting screwed on things? Is this just really poor planning or did you guys do something to severely piss off MA? Or, is it more along the lines of planet partners having to 'buy in' on 'stuff' like this and Cy is not able to pony up the cash?

This is just too much to be mere coincidence. Something is going on here that we are not being told.



Active Member
While I appreciate your answer Kris, it is in many ways a 'hopeless' answer in my opinion.

Think, believe, if I understand correctly: these are big no nos when talking about dealing with MA - they all mean 'nope, it's wrong!' Or, maybe in this case: "Yes, we selected 4 tree types, but didn't check whether you have any of them. Our next cycle for revision of this platform feature is set for 2016." (my irony).

Also, I've never seen 'slowly' in MA vocabulary, as that would be a speed that even real trees can match!

Ok, you may have other priorities, I can accept that more easily. But please don't appear so innocent about it all. It won't help the actual developments in my opinion....


Active Member
Hey sluggo,

The answer is no, none currently exist. We thought there were going to be some coming in this VU or the Mini Patch and I believe that the trees are already selected, however, if I understand correctly that this feature will be slowly spread out to all Planet Partners.


Kris you really need to slow down on the BS here. There are so many things going wrong with Cyrene these days that you feeding us this isn't really helping you at all. I have been submitting support cases asking about your claims in the past and more or less MA is saying every time that Cyrene is currently having some issues.

I have said this in the past but I believe that your parent company has cut funding of Cyrene and there are just a few of you if not just you managing Cyrene right now. The tree project was a large undertaking with each PP having to devote time which I don't think you really have these days. With the major downsizing of the planet and all the current issues that I'm guessing is overloading you now..it just isn't helping at all that you feed us this BS saying all is fine. I hope the best but please if you tell us the truth more then yes you will find in this game you will get even more support.


Active Member
Well said OZtwo.

Look C Team:

We understand 'real life' things can throw bad wrenches into stuff. If that's the case, then please tell us, we DO understand. But blowing sunshine up our asses and showing us the rainbow trail to the brony farm is quickly going to turn folks away from the planet en masse.

Cyrene is YOUR planet, YOUR project, YOUR child, YOUR baby for lack of a better way to put it. We can understand where you want it to all work out and will make every excuse in the book for it, as any well... parent would do.

From a person to person view, not persona to persona..... It's not a bad thing to say you are having problems or even asking for help if it is needed. From a business perspective, you have to look at some of the folks, if not all of them here as shareholders in your business. You have to show some honesty to them.

There are many folks who have invested a LOT of cash into your planet. Some of those missions, especially as of late have cost a shit ton of cash. They invested in Cyrene because they seen potential in, and of course... because it's fun. But fun can quickly turn to anger and resentment when it's costing one money on a promise that appears not to be able to come to fruition. Now let's take a look at Cyrene's recent past. We see failed promises, vague answers, NO idea when things will come live, and broken promises. We see Cyrene being left out in the dark on many 'events' and 'happenings' that quite frankly there is really NO reason it would happen unless the Planet Partner did or did not do something. Christmas comes to mind. It happens EVERY year, and EVERY year, the planets pretty much do some sort of shin dig as a kind of thank you for us. Last year Cyrene gets left out. Seriously, you have to look at it from our perspective. How does this look to the people 'investing' in you? Then we keep hearing; 'Oh we are working with MA and trying to figure out some solution'. ... sounds more like, we are kicking the can down the road until you finally say fuck it and quit asking about it.

I have 20K+ ped set aside that I wanted to invest in a shop on Cyrene. Granted that's a fart in a windstorm in the eyes of some people but it's a principle thing here. I have talked to other people in the game who have some serious cash wanting to 'invest' in Cyrene. This was about a year ago. Now, most the people, myself included are saying, umm, maybe it was a good thing that I didn't, this planet didn't go anything like expected. If you want a good example of what NOT to do, look at Rocktopia's past. This planet is racing right down those footsteps. That is not a place you want to go. Damage control can be VERY costly, especially in the area of reputation. We got NI which is all but dead. Toulan is right behind it and seems to be having other 'image' issues as well. Do you want to be in that line as well? I hope not.

I'll stop now but in the end. Some honesty and sincerity will go a long way towards support and your members rallying to help you.



Active Member
On a positive note: if you look at the stolen armour situation, Kris really did manage to get a good solution implemented, that hopefully will also stay in people's minds about positive reactions to a problem.

On harvesting: I can see that it is not yet highly relevant to Cyrene, as the only use so far for the resources is to secure plot rights on the larger plots on the 'home planet'. The problem I have with it is that it is symptomatic of the 'brushed off' attitude apparently aimed at Cyrene by the platform developer. Partnerships have never seemed easy with them, but if you let bad habits of communication and treatment grow, then things will stay bad.


Anyone have a Cyrene CLD? I don't.


would that be a CCLD?

Or would might it break from the known acronym (or abbreviation, in this case) to be something totally different?
ZHU (A true acronym :) )
- Zyn'Dos Homesteader Unit

or some such name.


Kick Ass Elf
Wow this is looking bad.... everyone is saying what I've been thinking... Cyrene probably got dropped by Creative Kingdom and probably only a few people holding the baby...


Active Member
When you add 'stuff' up with questions that are conveniently left unanswered. Yep, it's looking kind of, not very healthy at the moment. There are way too many things happening (or not happening) lately for it to be mere coincidence.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
I'll quote myself here from another thread:

During this VU Cycle I had meeting with them about some of the loose ends we've got on Cyrene, and tree harvesting is one of them. The short version is that while they tried to get trees on all planets for the last VU (summer) it seems that there wasn't enough of one tree type here that would allow it to be harvested (although I did suggest to add more / change some into others), so there weren't any trees that could be harvested here. I was informed also that changing the trees might be a bad idea so nothing happened during the last VU. For this VU (fall) we're talking with one of the engineers at MA about it but without land plots on Cyrene to use the harvested trees it's not a major issue yet. I do, however, feel that it's on track to be in around the next VU / before the end of the year.

Hope this explains the status of tree harvesting here on Cyrene.


Active Member
During this VU Cycle I had meeting with them about some of the loose ends we've got on Cyrene, and tree harvesting is one of them. The short version is that while they tried to get trees on all planets for the last VU (summer) it seems that there wasn't enough of one tree type here that would allow it to be harvested (although I did suggest to add more / change some into others), so there weren't any trees that could be harvested here. I was informed also that changing the trees might be a bad idea so nothing happened during the last VU. For this VU (fall) we're talking with one of the engineers at MA about it but without land plots on Cyrene to use the harvested trees it's not a major issue yet. I do, however, feel that it's on track to be in around the next VU / before the end of the year.

Hope this explains the status of tree harvesting here on Cyrene.

Well you forgot to add that MA sent you out a date that the trees would be released and requested that you plan for this release date. Since you didn't have the time or man power to do this project sorry to say there wasn't enough trees on planet or I'm guessing you didn't send back data showing what trees were marked to be harvested.

You again are making it sound as if it's MA's problem but again it is you that are under manned as of right now and simply do not have the time for this big of a project. Now there is NOTHING wrong with this..but if you keep up the BS well you most likely will find MA not helping more and more and probably on top of that find that the service bills you are getting from MA will get larger and larger. So please. :)


Active Member
While there may not be houses / plots on Cyrene to use the harvested wood, it IS a profession to learn, it IS a source of income for you, and tree stuff IS sell able on the auction house. It just seems that the more and more MA does stuff to give us diversity in stuff to do, Cyrene is going further and further to exclude itself from joining in on that.

When IS Cyrene going to go live? When ARE you going to open up land plots, houses / apartments, let people get storefronts etc?

Shit, here's a better question. When are you going to hire more F'ing help because it's obvious that Cy can't handle the load as it currently is.


Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
I don't see much issue while it serves no purpose other than skilling atm, not many ppl will go into space to sell it. but If housing is added then it needs to be activated, plus id like the wood to be used in some bp's too