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Harvesting Trees


Active Member
Paul, it is still a potential source of income as well. It's not nearly the cash cow it was when it came out. I was making a few hundred ped a day for a few weeks but still can bring in a bit of cash. One can still make a bit of profit even with an L chopper given it's current mu is still in the 700 percent range. When you consider how big of a ped suck Cyrene has become, any way of bringing cash to someone who is there without them having to leave the place to go make it else where or depo, would be a huge bonus to the planet. The root fact of the matter is, pretty much everyone else 'active' got it, even Rocktopia, yet somehow, Cyrene didn't know they had the wrong trees, really?????, and missed that train as well. When you look at all the other stuff that has gone wrong with the place, the ten edition whatever it was that didn't happen, the christmas presents we were promised would be 'fixed' yet never did, and now we just pretend it never happened, just to name a few. It shows a pattern of ignorance and dropping the ball time and time again on their behalf.

In another post it was asked, why cyrene didnt have it's own training grounds in space and we were told that MA essentially told them no. I can see why. They can't even really manage the planet yet really, the last thing they need is another area to have to develop and babysit.



Active Member
In another post it was asked, why cyrene didnt have it's own training grounds in space and we were told that MA essentially told them no. I can see why. They can't even really manage the planet yet really, the last thing they need is another area to have to develop and babysit.

Not sure about this one but the training grounds in space my be a Land Area that each planet has to pay into. But along those lines what many really don't understand is that the 'free' gifts are not really free. Each PP has to pay MA for these gifts in hopes that from the gifts they will get enough return to pay the cost of them. So that there should shed some light on why no gifts have been given out for so many years as well. Why I'm so hard on Kris and his BS.


Active Member
Good Point Oz, as anyone with any common sense should realize that NOTHING is free, the money to pay for it came from somewhere / someone. On that though, a little honesty would have been nice. Tell us, we didn't do trees this year, we are consolidating our money on this / that / whatever. Or just say nothing. But telling us, oops it was an error, next week, turns into two weeks, two months, 6 months, never happens is pretty shitty. Granted it was probably a stupid little pet that most treat like red headed stepchildren, and throw into a closet where it belongs but the gesture is what means a ton to a lot of people. Now, it looks like, yah, they lied to us, and don't give a shit about people. There are just too many 'events' that cyrene has decided to not participate in. It makes one wonder sometimes if anyone on the cy team has any marketing skills, and genuine experience, not just some snot nose kid out of college who took the 101 course so thinks they know how to run empires now.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

OZtwo and sluggo, you seem to have a lot of information behind the scenes, are you telling me that you're MindArk employees, or that MindArk shares some advantage to you and puts you above all players?

It seems to me that you should stop speculating and acting like you have privileged information when, in fact, we both know that you don't, or someone at MindArk is lying to you. In which case, we would need to know to properly remedy that situation.

As for the trees, I told you guys exactly what happened, it was not for lack of communication on our part. Everything I told you is factual, Cyrene will take zero responsibility due to the fact that the information wasn't given to us until it was too late and we were told to wait when we were finally informed.

If you make any more comments saying that I am lying / BSing I will remove you from the forums for breaking the rules (2.2, 2.6). Sharing your opinions in one thing but making statements that are false and damaging will not be tolerated on these forums. We at Cyrene are working hard, for the Hard Launch with MindArk and waited patiently for them to handle many of the player bases needs before ours, at great cost. We have not only ramped up our staff, again, close to pre -launch numbers, but we've also hired marketing teams to be ready for the Hard Launch once MindArk provides all the necessary features we have been patiently waiting for.



Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Hey guys,

OZtwo and sluggo, you seem to have a lot of information behind the scenes, are you telling me that you're MindArk employees, or that MindArk shares some advantage to you and puts you above all players?

It seems to me that you should stop speculating and acting like you have privileged information when, in fact, we both know that you don't, or someone at MindArk is lying to you. In which case, we would need to know to properly remedy that situation.

As for the trees, I told you guys exactly what happened, it was not for lack of communication on our part. Everything I told you is factual, Cyrene will take zero responsibility due to the fact that the information wasn't given to us until it was too late and we were told to wait when we were finally informed.

If you make any more comments saying that I am lying / BSing I will remove you from the forums for breaking the rules (2.2, 2.6). Sharing your opinions in one thing but making statements that are false and damaging will not be tolerated on these forums. We at Cyrene are working hard, for the Hard Launch with MindArk and waited patiently for them to handle many of the player bases needs before ours, at great cost. We have not only ramped up our staff, again, close to pre -launch numbers, but we've also hired marketing teams to be ready for the Hard Launch once MindArk provides all the necessary features we have been patiently waiting for.


Fantastic post! Great to hear, it's really motivating. If only someone would buy my shop so I could prep to buy one on cyrene.


Active Member
If a train driver works together with a train guard who controls the doors, the train driver really cannot take no responsibility for driving all over the place with no passengers because the doors stay closed. I accept that this analogy is not 100% comparable to PPs and MA, but I think it's close enough get my point across.

I have already said that on the subject of trees I can understand that a PP could be caught by surprise as a result of a lack of information. In a difficult relationship you also have to choose which battles to fight, so although not having harvestable trees on Cyrene is not positive for me personally, I'm prepared to take the bigger picture that harvesting is not yet a profession with a large following. This is probably similar for the space training area requests, which I also support. Maybe that Cyrene hasn't got one is related in some way to the contractual conditions of being in soft launch still, which I assume costs less money or so... but this is conjecture.

Anyway, there is a saying that we can't see the wood for the trees - the wood underlying this is that in some respects Cyrene should stop being patiently !"§$-ed if it wants to make more progress, but thank you Kris for the more open communication lately which allows us to make up our own minds more easily on things.


Well-Known Member
Why would planet Cyrene has lumber harvesting, as it is used to claim land parcels on another planet and has no actual use here?

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Active Member
Hey guys,

OZtwo and sluggo, you seem to have a lot of information behind the scenes, are you telling me that you're MindArk employees, or that MindArk shares some advantage to you and puts you above all players?

It seems to me that you should stop speculating and acting like you have privileged information when, in fact, we both know that you don't, or someone at MindArk is lying to you. In which case, we would need to know to properly remedy that situation.

Thank you for the reply and no sorry I don't have any type of contacts. It seems you think that I never go to my once wanted to be Home Planet? I still do of course but well that version of it I don't think will be coming back any time soon. And I do not have an issue with that. What I have an issue with is that all the major issues that your planet has now and you act as if there is NOTHING wrong and you just giving us this or that story. But yes some have been in this game long enough to understand how the system works. And I think I found a soft spot since you came right out and denied it saying that all is fine and you are just waiting for MA to give you your request features all the while having to downsize and well... :(

But yes the tress that there was a fact that well most everyone knew and your playing it as if it wasn't you but MA doing here since PP had to setup their planet for the new feature -- which yes..why the hell would Cyrene need trees? o_O


Well, cyrene has no trees, arkadia has no sound, toulan has no players, NI has no... You got the picture, I believe this game is reverting to planet calypso instead of entropia universe.


Active Member
Murk, Caly is always going to be the golden child. The other planets will always be second in that respect. The other planets CAN though, act smartly so being the red headed stepchildren in EU is not so terrible to them. Arkadia is doing a pretty good job in that department. They have plenty of stuff to keep people engaged and ongoing events. They had a bug in their instance, AAkas?? but got it fixed pretty quick for the most part. Wish others could follow suit.

Ill believe hard launch when I see it, seen too many promises already not come to fruition or delayed indefinitely. (Tell me this is a lie) It's real easy to blame MA for everything but I have a hard time believing it's 'all their fault'. When / If It does happen, I wonder if all the bugs mentioned to this point will be corrected as well or just expected to be tolerated? No Sound or pets too big in my store are really petty things, missions that do not work, stores / rewards that are always empty on the other hand ARE a big deal. Those bugs cost people money and time.

Ill probably be on Cy for a few days to sell off all my stuff in storage as I have no real desire anymore for the planet as is. Who knows, maybe in a few years if it's still here ill check it out again. Maybe they'll have their act more together by then.

With that, anyone looking for any items, PM me in game what you need and Ill make you a good deal if I have it. Sending an offline message probably would be best since my hours are going to be sporadic at best this next week or two.

Take care everyone, it's been a pleasure interacting with most of you. If you need me for anything Ill probably be on Ark or Monria poking around.
