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Heart Rank VI


New Member
Refurbished Heart Upgrade.PNG

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Normally, we don't post the items stats, but because of a bug with them I'd like to provide further information.

There's an issue with the current buffs on the utility faps, but they will be fixed for the Mini Patch, they should have the follow parameters after the patch.


Also adjusting the mission information so it's more clear to see the reward.



Active Member
I already have an augmented speedup ring and a bunny pet, maxing out running speed on item. Will this run speed come on top of that (action speed?) or won't it work because I am maxed out on item speed already?

20% from the ring, 8% from the pet

this is what my speedup buff says:
item speed 28% of 25%
action speed 0 of 35%
total 28/50


New Member
wow thanks for the info guys, very helpful!

@Spawn, I'm wondering the same thing about the speed buff. If anyone can provide additional info, appreciate it!


New Member
I just found out the hard way that the +15 hp on the vigorous version only affects your max hp, and not current hp. Is this intended, or part of the bug you mentioned before @Kris | Cyrene ?


Sandal San Tolk
I just found out the hard way that the +15 hp on the vigorous version only affects your max hp, and not current hp. Is this intended, or part of the bug you mentioned before @Kris | Cyrene ?
I understood it this way from beginning. It improves your chances of survival and therefore is useful.

However, I don't quite get the utility of the speedy thing. Healing is reduced when moving, so in most situations you would avoid it. You could initiate the heal and then start to run, but I can't see how this would be an advantage except maybe with a few very slow mobs.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Let me shed some light on here:

I already have an augmented speedup ring and a bunny pet, maxing out running speed on item. Will this run speed come on top of that (action speed?) or won't it work because I am maxed out on item speed already?

20% from the ring, 8% from the pet

this is what my speedup buff says:
item speed 28% of 25%
action speed 0 of 35%
total 28/50

Yes, in our testing it works on top of that, I used your ring + the Duster Courier Buff as I don't have a Bunny pet:

You can see in this screenshot that my Increased Run Speed from items is 40% (but I can only get 25% due to the cap) and my action run speed is 10% (which is from the Speedy Refurb), giving me a total of 35%

I just found out the hard way that the +15 hp on the vigorous version only affects your max hp, and not current hp. Is this intended, or part of the bug you mentioned before @Kris | Cyrene ?

Yes, it only effects your Max HP, this is how I believe all HP increase items work in the game. If you are at 1/100 HP, then equip the fap it doesn't heal you for 15 and put you at 16/115 HP, it increased your Max HP, so you'd be 1/115 HP.

I understood it this way from beginning. It improves your chances of survival and therefore is useful.

That's correct, I like to think of it as more room for error from a users POV, where you can internally calculate that knowledge when you plan your equip/heal of this tool.

However, I don't quite get the utility of the speedy thing. Healing is reduced when moving, so in most situations you would avoid it. You could initiate the heal and then start to run, but I can't see how this would be an advantage except maybe with a few very slow mobs.

Part of the utility is that if you heal other players with it, they get the run speed. For self fapping, yes healing is reduced by movement but this gives you more agency on how you want to get out of the situation, sometimes 10% run speed can mean the difference of making it to the turret or not.

I hope this makes the usages a bit more clear.



Sandal San Tolk
Thank you, yes of course it makes sense for healers and those who employ the turrets with intent. It didn't enter my mind since it's not what I normally do.

Remains the risk of ruining a decent tier increase rate since it's not repeatable. Would there be reasons against, say, offering a repeat stage for the final items where you could exchange it for the same one for the chance of a better TIR, or even change your mind and switch?


New Member
Out of interest, and with all due respect. How were these buffs decided upon?

I ask because in their current state their usefulness or application is extremely hard to pinpoint, especially for the vigorous one, and seem to reflect design choices that are not really compatible with the current state of the game. I’m curious to know if your hands were tied by MA, leading to these items being underpowered today, or if these are the exact buffs you had originally intended?

sometimes 10% run speed can mean the difference of making it to the turret or not.

No one in their right mind cares about death if they are running towards a turret (and therefore, a revive terminal.)
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Sandal San Tolk
No one in their right mind cares about death if they are running towards a turret (and therefore, a revive terminal.)
The time saved is significant. Different people may have different objectives but on rational first thought, you'd prefer not to.
With all due respect, and I hope you appreciate the honesty... both buffs are total crap and you should rework them.

I killed the 300 SkyShatters but I will NOT do any upgrade at all.

Also, the mission gets stuck. I clicked one of the options but cancelled the upgrade, and now Jacob will not talk to me and the upgrade window pops up every time I log in.

Aryana Ary Softheart

Active Member
With all due respect, and I hope you appreciate the honesty... both buffs are total crap and you should rework them.

I killed the 300 SkyShatters but I will NOT do any upgrade at all.

Also, the mission gets stuck. I clicked one of the options but cancelled the upgrade, and now Jacob will not talk to me and the upgrade window pops up every time I log in.

this is happening to me as well. I clicked on him but cancelled the upgrade as well, now I'm greeted by the useless upgrade options. I although have not, and will not be killing 300 skyshatters.
this is happening to me as well. I clicked on him but cancelled the upgrade as well, now I'm greeted by the useless upgrade options. I although have not, and will not be killing 300 skyshatters.

I should have waited for others to share the upgrades, none of them is worth killing even 10 skyshatters.

So many years waiting for a refurb continuation, and then we get this... lol


Active Member
Hey guys,

You can see in this screenshot that my Increased Run Speed from items is 40% (but I can only get 25% due to the cap) and my action run speed is 10% (which is from the Speedy Refurb), giving me a total of 35%

Seems logical your planet should push Mindark to REMOVE the cap.


Sandal San Tolk
I think the refurb FAP is just not that relevant to more advanced avatars anymore, and was not designed to appeal to that group. It is the lower levels that benefit most from it. For example for me, approaching 200 HP, its usefulness is beginning to phase out. Of course, this depends on your playstyle and preferred activities. There is no good reason to feel compelled to do every single mission just because it exists. There is something for everyone, but not everything has to be for everyone all the time.


New Member
I finished My upgrade and got my Refurbished heart. I have assumed, from the screenshot above, that it's supposed to be a heal over time effect at 150% of the value listed in the stat blocks, but the item is giving a direct heal at 100% of the value listed in the stat blocks.

Heart Upgrade.PNG
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New Member
There has been a mention and a reply from admins of this in the Technical Forum, so I will take further discussion to that thread.
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