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Heart Rank VI

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I think there's some confusion here, so let me try to be clear, the Speedy and Vigorous faps in game do NOT have the right stats currently, it was listed here in the bug thread: https://cyreneforum.com/threads/march-1st-2022-vu-official-bug-thread.8576/#post-31309
Also mentioned above: https://cyreneforum.com/threads/heart-rank-vi.8579/#post-31317

The Faps in game now are not the correct stats, the image I posted above show the ones that will be available for the Mini Patch. Nothing was nerfed with them, they will still heal the same as the H.E.A.R.T. Rank VI, just some additional effects. Of course, no one is forced to upgrade.

are these tradable after obtaining either upgrade?

No, they still aren't tradeable.

With all due respect, and I hope you appreciate the honesty... both buffs are total crap and you should rework them.

I killed the 300 SkyShatters but I will NOT do any upgrade at all.

I think that all opinions are welcome here, can you elaborate a bit more on what you don't like about it?

Also, the mission gets stuck. I clicked one of the options but cancelled the upgrade, and now Jacob will not talk to me and the upgrade window pops up every time I log in.
this is happening to me as well. I clicked on him but cancelled the upgrade as well, now I'm greeted by the useless upgrade options. I although have not, and will not be killing 300 skyshatters.

Saw that issue, should be corrected for the Mini Patch.

Seems logical your planet should push Mindark to REMOVE the cap.

I think there are some technical reasons these are in place, and I can't fully comment on the limitations.

I should have waited for others to share the upgrades, none of them is worth killing even 10 skyshatters.

So many years waiting for a refurb continuation, and then we get this... lol

Part of the reason that this isn't Rank 7 and 8 is because this isn't the final phase for them, we've still got plans for the future using any H.E.A.R.T. Rank VI.

I finished My upgrade and got my Refurbished heart. I have assumed, from the screenshot above, that it's still a heal over time effect at 150% of the value listed in the stat blocks, but the item text seems to say otherwise. There is no indicator saying its 150%, like it does in the screenshot above, and the information block still says it's a heal over time.

I am assuming this is an oversight, and that the item still gives the 150% of its value as a heal over time.

Yes, an oversight, the stats are not correct and should be updated to reflect my image posted after the Mini Patch, I'll post them again here:


I think that all opinions are welcome here, can you elaborate a bit more on what you don't like about it?

Movement speed is very cheap and easy to max out, and has limited usefulness. It makes no sense to me that a FAP gives you move speed, and cyrene already has the Maze Hammer for that so it's also redundant.

Health increase is even more useless because it only affects your max HP, so it cannot save you in an emergency. But even if it wasn't just max health it has very limited use, since the Refurb is NOT an emergency FAP and 15hp will hardly save you from anything. Not only that, the effect is only "on equip" which means you lose it when you go back to shooting. A FAP is a combat tool, remember that.

Neither of the two is worth grinding 300 skyshatters, not to mention the materials you ask for them once you are done with the kill mission. Not even close.

I would rather have more upgrades to the actual fap, even if they are small, either to the use speed (22/min is very painful) or to the heal interval. Or increased max TT, or increased ECO, or increased medical skills... there's so much you can improve !!!

Hell, even if you increased the heal interval a bit and removed the heal over time effect I would have gladly done the upgrade and not complained. Even though I kinda like the effect :p

I don't want to sound entitled or demanding, in the current design I will simply ignore there's an upgrade and move along. But it's a shame, this is something I have been waiting for years (as you know).

Thanks, keep up the good work :)


Sandal San Tolk
Part of the reason that this isn't Rank 7 and 8 is because this isn't the final phase for them, we've still got plans for the future using any H.E.A.R.T. Rank VI.
Thank you specifically for that statement. Can I take it to mean that opting for any of the choices available now would not preclude any possible decision for future offers? What about the downgrade to rank V which was said to be final?


Active Member
I think the refurb FAP is just not that relevant to more advanced avatars anymore, and was not designed to appeal to that group. It is the lower levels that benefit most from it. For example for me, approaching 200 HP, its usefulness is beginning to phase out. Of course, this depends on your playstyle and preferred activities. There is no good reason to feel compelled to do every single mission just because it exists. There is something for everyone, but not everything has to be for everyone all the time.

For me its still a relevant fap because I use it after combat to get the last 30 ish hp back, because it's simply more eco than my bigger fap. (271 hp)


New Member
Neither of the two is worth grinding 300 skyshatters, not to mention the materials you ask for them once you are done with the kill mission. Not even close.

This is the key point we should be taking away from this thread.

@Kris | Cyrene can you confirm if you guys are considering tweaks to make these upgrades more useful?
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Active Member
the speed upgrade is useful, because its action so it goes on top of item speed. You equip it, heal and get 8 seconds of 10% extra speed, on top of your other item speed buffs. (like a ring and a pet). This could save you in panic situations. With my ring and pet I can outrun young atrox on calypso.. an extra 10 % speed could give you the monty python killerrabbit buff: " run away, run away"


New Member
With all due respect, and I hope you appreciate the honesty... both buffs are total crap and you should rework them.

I killed the 300 SkyShatters but I will NOT do any upgrade at all.

Also, the mission gets stuck. I clicked one of the options but cancelled the upgrade, and now Jacob will not talk to me and the upgrade window pops up every time I log in.

unfortunately I have to side with Angel on this one.
the rank vi is just not powerful enough to consider using even with the buffs it's still just a noob fap.
therefore it will continue to collect dust in my storage because I can't even sell the thing....

@Kris | Cyrene I really hope there are more upgrades for this fap in the future that increase the heal ability to something more powerful than a MOD-2350 so that experienced players can benefit from this item and/or make it tradeable (not avatarbound)

Thanks very much in advance!


Sandal San Tolk
Beginning to sound like a broken record, it was designed for a lower-level target group or for applications which are more common at the lower levels.

It might be a cool idea to turn it into something which you can grow along with your own development over the entire range. This would mean adding a lot more stages and ranks where it simply becomes successively stronger. If MA would permit a competitor to their own 2350/2600 models and which is easier to get, even if avatar-bound, is uncertain though.


Active Member
It might be a cool idea to turn it into something which you can grow along with your own development over the entire range. This would mean adding a lot more stages and ranks where it simply becomes successively stronger.

That does sound like fun. Potential to branch it out in different ways too would be interesting as you upgrade it. Alternative ways of upgrading would be neat too. Either go kill x amount of this OR go collect x amount of lime green stuff from the hub, etc.


New Member
Beginning to sound like a broken record, it was designed for a lower-level target group or for applications which are more common at the lower levels.

It might be a cool idea to turn it into something which you can grow along with your own development over the entire range. This would mean adding a lot more stages and ranks where it simply becomes successively stronger. If MA would permit a competitor to their own 2350/2600 models and which is easier to get, even if avatar-bound, is uncertain though.

The heal potential is designed for low end players. We get that. Further upgrade ranks should help.

The sidegrade 'buffs' they added, however, are useless to everyone.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I would rather have more upgrades to the actual fap, even if they are small, either to the use speed (22/min is very painful) or to the heal interval. Or increased max TT, or increased ECO, or increased medical skills... there's so much you can improve !!!

Thanks, keep up the good work :)

Yeah, I hear what you're saying for sure. That's why it's not a Rank upgrade, and these are all things that we're looking at for future ranks.

Thank you specifically for that statement. Can I take it to mean that opting for any of the choices available now would not preclude any possible decision for future offers?

Yeah, any of the variations of the Rank 6 will be able to move on to the next set of missions in the future.

What about the downgrade to rank V which was said to be final?

If there really ends up being a big out cry of players wanting to go back up to to Rank 6 we'll look at this again.

This is the key point we should be taking away from this thread.

@Kris | Cyrene can you confirm if you guys are considering tweaks to make these upgrades more useful?

Yes, we're always looking for that, either for this iteration or the next mission in the series when we move up to Rank 7 and beyond.

@Kris | Cyrene I really hope there are more upgrades for this fap in the future that increase the heal ability to something more powerful than a MOD-2350 so that experienced players can benefit from this item and/or make it tradeable (not avatarbound)

Thanks very much in advance!

100% I think that San has a good look for this:
It might be a cool idea to turn it into something which you can grow along with your own development over the entire range. This would mean adding a lot more stages and ranks where it simply becomes successively stronger. If MA would permit a competitor to their own 2350/2600 models and which is easier to get, even if avatar-bound, is uncertain though.

That does sound like fun. Potential to branch it out in different ways too would be interesting as you upgrade it. Alternative ways of upgrading would be neat too. Either go kill x amount of this OR go collect x amount of lime green stuff from the hub, etc.

Fully agree, we have a lot of room for cool development of this mission chain for the future =)

I'd like to thank everyone for their feedback, it's always welcome.
