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Hello World


New Member
Greetings Cyreners,

I've been here for a few days now and just wanted to stop by and introduce myself. I've gone by the nickname LifesaverM in every single game I've played FPS, RPG, MMOs since the early 90s. It's been my RL nickname (well Lifesaver anyhow) since middle school. It stems for a long story and has taken on several meanings to me over the years. The M stands for Matt.

When I was signing up on the EU website I saw there were 4 choices for starting planet. I did some poking around the web to find some information about each of these places and some of the lingo. Caly seemed the most extablished, Ark seemed alright and interesting, Rock while I love music didn't sound like my cup of coffee/tea, and then there was cyrene. Cyrene seemed the least established and gave me more of a frontier/wilderness feeling in reading about it. I've always been a forger of my own path, and have been told I can't do things and have accomplished them to prove folks wrong so I thought sounds perfect.

Since joining I've enjoyed talking to a variety of players around the universe and have enjoyed many good conversions. I like the community. Some are surprised when I talk to them that I actually choose Cyrene. My response is generally the same: "Sounded interesting, and I'm actually enjoying it". Now grant you I have nothing to compare it yet to, but it does feel like home and I'm not disappointed by my choice. This certainly isn't the most advanced game I've ever played but I don't know may it's just the explorer in me but it certainly has depth and layers.

I'd like to thank kjellings and Jetman in particular for their help, guidance, and answering so many of my questions. Plus everyone in #cyrene, and the plethora of fan sites have helped me get started. Everyone has been very welcoming, ya'll have a nice home here and thanks for letting me share it. :)

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Welcome! Be sure to check out some of the tutorials, I highly recommend you check out the Puny Tempo missions, they are great for new players to gain some skills.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to Cyrene - Enjoy and have Fun , Learning Curve is the most important and Cyrene Community has a great amount of people you can learn from



Active Member
Hello Lifesaver. Yes Cyrene is one of the planets that honestly can keep you going for hours every day with missions.
There are plenty of daily's in hunting, to include the faction badge ones. There are the tempo missions which help a lot, there are also the mining missions as well if you want to take up mining that will eventually help out.

Word of caution though, there are a daily crafting mission set you can do here, however unless you are about 7 ranks or so in crafting that specific skill set, they can be VERY costly to attempt. If you buy / borrow a BP that has a higher QR rating on it, that can help a lot too but be careful about just jumping into those. The daily mining missions are a good start too if you want to mine for a living as well. Those ARE doable at earlier ages, though Id recommend a real finder and not a rookie one really. Ive seen rookies find the crap ore / enmat or the needed stuff but not enough to count for a mission click.

If you ARE interested in crafting, I mean seriously are contemplating becoming a crafter, there is a daily mission on Monria that has an awesome reward. You craft 500 items and get 75 pec DAILY of Engineering skill, which feeds a ton of the crafting skills. Most folks use the Explosive Projectile BP and do it. WHen you get done with your Cyrene daily, there are a few folks who make the 'daily drive' to Monria for the sole purpose of doing this mission. I am one of them. If I am around you want a ride, I am always happy to offer a free hitch there and back.

Also, you will want to get yourself a mentor as well. Be VERY careful about who you choose. A mentor is a serious thing when you consider this is a real cash economy and a crappy one ie one who would pay you to be their student, as an example, can actually cost you a LOT of money by offering poor advice.

Good mentor or not though, if you ask in the cyrene chat channel you will pretty much be sure to find someone who can answer your questions as well.

Welcome to our little rock in the universe!
