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Hide Armor Plate (L) Blueprint (L) 100 runs on auction


Well-Known Member
Hide Armor Plate (L) Blueprint (L) 100 runs. the first found now on auction

lvl 15 armour engineer

lvl VII bp

buy , discover, PROFIT !!!


Well-Known Member
Good luck on that 4k PED buyout ..jumping the gun a bit .. im sure another will drop this weekend.


New Member
Hmmm...gratz for discovery!

Heres my little story...seen people trading those tokens on auc for 15000% alright...so 100 tokens are 75PED - so far so good.
10 Tokens are needed for an armor mold for example...one crafting click on a scout armor piece needs 2 molds already - thats 14 PED MU...thinking that every 2nd click is a success the MU on one armor piece of an UL armor would be around 30PED and this is the end of the story so far.

Now...A BP for 100 clicks at 4000PED would break down to 40PED MU per click...or maybe 80PED on every 2nd click success.

lets build now the average MU of a set of scout armor with that plates XD

(14+28)/2=21 ... (40+80)/2=60
so if everything works out fine and we dont count the MU on the materials a set of scout and those plates would be around 567PED

Enough about numbers now, its time for philosophy...
If theres a market without reasonable prices the award would go to cyrene economy at this stage for sure. NO ONE would be able to craft anything on this planet with the ability to sell it with profit...NO ONE!!!

Of course everybody needs a little compensation for the losses caused by MindArk´s poor loot return...
I wish you best luck on that trade Non and best luck to the crafter clicking it in the end.

To everyone that reads this, every hunter miner trader or crafter out there on cyrene...recalculate your prices or beware of killing another planet like this


Well-Known Member
thanks for the advice kenny :) i have no idea what i am doing with markup on alot of these items. i cant seem find anyone that is will to offer advice with reasoning behind it. and not just laugh scoff or brush off the questions. i ask.

so i apologize about silly prices on things, i am not trying to kill a planet :(

lifes just hard when ur dumb :)


New Member
I would certainly be available for questions and also open discussions on the economy of a fresh planet...
Being a "pioneer" was always a hard days life...getting products in the wilderness is not supposed to be easy after all...however providing these goods deserves compensation, it will be the hardest part to establish a working economy on a planet that gets hit by "evolution" every few weeks and has a population below 100 people...looking at my personal returns on all professions on cyrene i can tell you i definately dont profit at all even when i gather all and everything on my own and sell it for reasonable MU.

It was not my intention to blame you personally being involved in a contra-productive killing of a planetary economy.
It just used to fit in here try making it clear what happens to economy with Marketvalues going crazy. Of course a BP like this, just discovered and with a nice product deserves a good price after all ; )

I would like to see more opinions on this topic...

If i was able to click that BP i would offer you lets say 400 PED for it XD


Active Member
Ok - how to look at this?
So, it will make (L) plating and is a lvl VII bp. It is certainly thus a bp which needs an experienced player from the existing EU worlds to come and click it, even though as an (L) bp it will be maxed for more people than an Un(L) would be.
Now if I think about crafted stuff that held a good mu for reasonable length of time, then it would have to be vehicles. The materials had mu and the finished vehicles had an mu that reflected this AND people wanted to buy them.
Somehow I don't think plating is going to be in the same league......

Only a few days ago I had a look at the prices of plates and armour on auction where the main marketplace happens to be right now and I'm struggling with the concept of 'separation' of markets. As a pilot on a mothership I'm trying to help make the new planets more easily and safely accessible so that players of all levels can go and find environments they are most happy in. I do realise, however, that ultimately the new planets need to bring in their own new players, but successful new planets also have good numbers of older players who now make use of instances, certain mobs, 'alternative mining' etc.

So, the bottom line for me: is this bp an example of something worth looting and using, that can attract crafters to Cyrene over a longer period of time? My hunch is that the answer is 'no', which saddens me.

But please do go ahead and prove me wrong!!!
(I usually hate being wrong, but in the interests of Cyrene I would like to be) - I am actually considering if this should become my signature or something :beerchug:!


Well-Known Member
I will be kick starting the economy with refined materials and loot to match the bps as well as providing for the lazy people that dont want to mine for the daily missions..sorry the MU is high but MA take a 52pec minimum cut on auction but I will keep prices as low as i can , get the crafters to start crafting, ive decided to be resource supplier than a crafter here, so I will be getting the vehicle bps from the quests and coming up with the resources to click. I was going to click myself but id rather be supplying to crafters to bring cyrene to life. I will start research over the weekend. and hopefully we will start an economy.




Well-Known Member
thanks for the replies and the info people :)

after sleeping for almost 12 hours after the 4 hour naps i have been suriving since the update on i feel i lot more clear headed.

and i have to wander from other feed back i have recieved form other sorcues if eu is the game for me.

i mean i like the game lots of fun but i dont seem to fit in :) and i dont want to ruin anyone elses experience so i guuess that i am going to find something else to do with my time instead of killing a planetary eco and the hopes and dream of all cyrene pioneers. good luck everyone.


I would say don't quit.
Markets rise and fall daily, you always have to sell for whats best for you. If its not a price anyone is willing to pay then you will learn, that's a big part of the game. If it does sell, then you know that it was worth that much to at least 1 person.

If you are unable to sell your bp, you should collect the resources needed to click it, I am willing (and I am sure many others would) to click it for you free of charge just for the fun of helping out(and the discovery)
Then you would have the plates, and know what their stats are and have an end product you can sell to people or use yourself.

Good luck man and congrats on the discovery :)

Hi Non,

Don't quit! You do fit in and are most welcome in this universe! The fact you didnt know how to price something (a flaw a lot people in the universe have to be honest) is not something to be ashamed of and will be corrected with experience. Entropia is a complex environment which takes some getting used to, but is very rewarding in the long run.

Oh, and gratz on the discovery! Its great when you are the first to discover something :)


Well-Known Member
just remember at least you had a bid of 1000 ped , less fees to MA than 4000ped.. look on the bright side of life ...do ..do..do.do.do.do.do :)


New Member
I would say don't quit.
Markets rise and fall daily, you always have to sell for whats best for you. If its not a price anyone is willing to pay then you will learn, that's a big part of the game. If it does sell, then you know that it was worth that much to at least 1 person.

If you are unable to sell your bp, you should collect the resources needed to click it, I am willing (and I am sure many others would) to click it for you free of charge just for the fun of helping out(and the discovery)
Then you would have the plates, and know what their stats are and have an end product you can sell to people or use yourself.

Good luck man and congrats on the discovery :)


As I have recently arrived on cyrene again, I have noticed not to many crafters are around. As Narfi said, I'm willing to support u on this part. This is ment for everyone that wants to try a certain bp they looted. I will travel up and down between Cyrene and Caly, but can be on Cyrene within the hour when im online.


Active Member
Well, I now have the BP too, and it's not like it's a random drop or anything - it's a mission reward.
The value of the BP will thus depend on the value of the plates made and the population on Cyrene.
Now I realise I could be surprised, but I'm not holding my breath!


Well-Known Member
well now i guess il'll have to live with not only the embarrassment of a horrible over priced auction but also a rage/frustration quit :)

its all just growing pains :) or at least thats my excuse...

coming from single player games and mmos where you do not have to work together has been a huge hinderence in coming to EU. hopefully as time passes ill find some people i will enjoy playing with and have someone to share my excitement with.

gl everyone sorry for my lack of judgement hopefully someone out there at least got a laugh out of it :)


Well-Known Member
Well all people need to do is do the 1000 crystal pede mission and they will have your blueprint. I cant do much with the auction unfortuntely with the state of missing components yet to be unlocked by MA, check my post on unlocked items.


Well-Known Member
yeup i know how i got the bp :) just posted on this thread to face up to the mistake and embarrassment.
Welcome back Non! :) Glad you decided to come back. Feel free to add me to friends list if you have questions (Dave Yarrow Stevens in the player register)