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New Member
Today, after the update I noticed an increase in mob maturities.

I decided to look around a bit and saw the mature rhino beetles were lvl 74:eek:

I just had to try and got this on the first one!:beerchug:
Cyrene HOF.png

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Very NICE Chopper ... WAY nice in fact. :thumbup:

I knew some people would be going :eek: when they discovered the maturities of a few of the mobs. :D

Should keep a few happy! :p


Well-Known Member
They are bugged atm , im positive many people wont be able to hunt this mob when the fix comes in . Enjoy it while you can , gratz nice loot

(...getting ready for my fap costs to go through the roof after the fix haha)


New Member
They are bugged atm , im positive many people wont be able to hunt this mob when the fix comes in . Enjoy it while you can , gratz nice loot

(...getting ready for my fap costs to go through the roof after the fix haha)

Ya, I noticed that..I'm sure it will be fixed in a jiffy;)