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Holiday Creatures

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Thanks for everyone helping in this thread.

There's a plan to start the other holiday spawns and of this week / start of the weekend, I'll make that into it's own thread and link it here when it's live.



New Member
Is there something wrong with Zyn-oddy or perhaps me (lol). I gave it 30 holiday magic. My magic is gone and nothing was provided.


New Member
I had the same thing as Alya - 30 magic in .. and nothing - as far as i can tell from my mission log the mission is still active but I couldn't click the npc again after putting in the 30 magic.


New Member
and not a real big deal.. but the text on the mission says to come back ever 15 mins .. but the cool down is 1hr. I am looking fwd to coming back even with 1hr cool down to get the rest of the plushies when Kris posts here that its been fixed.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I'm working with support right now to find the hiccup. I can use the vendor and get all 6 of the Santa Lurker Plushies, but it appears that the metal texture isn't working. I'm not sure if there were items that didn't make it on to live server or if it's a separate issue.

For now, I've asked MA support to check to see if they can spawn that toy decoration, if they can I think it will be fine for them to spawn it your inventory if you had this issue, if they don't have it then I think they will return the Holiday Magic to your inventory. However I don't know which as I'm still waiting to hear back from them.

When I know more I will update this thread.


Risen Ra Oh

New Member
I was looking to collect all the 6 plushies but 4 times = 30x4= 120 holiday magic gone without provided plushie; Opened and updated a support case, but still nothing; 1 of the 6 plushie is missing, I have many ...many plushies of all other 5 types, and it seems to me that there aren't 2 rare, due the minimal amount of the "rarest" I have is 4; the maximal amount of the "more common" plushie I have is 10; so... I think that the 6th is simply bugged and it is the one related to the NOplushie experience/bug at NPC, but it is just my opinion however ; )


New Member
Well I decided to give it another go and Zyn-Oddy doesn't work for me at all now lol. No exclamation point, nothing. I think Cyrene is sending me a message :)


New Member
Well I decided to give it another go and Zyn-Oddy doesn't work for me at all now lol. No exclamation point, nothing. I think Cyrene is sending me a message :)
Following on. I should have left well enough alone. I noticed I had a mission in my mission log so I abandoned it and tried it and there went another 30 magic. Yep, Cyrene doesn't like me. 60 magic gone no plushie.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I've already poked the support about this again yesterday and will do so again today to see what they plan to do to try and remedy this situation.

As soon as I know more from them I'll post it here with whatever instructions they give to me.



New Member
I did get my case with EU closed and 30 magic returned. I think I'm probably out the other 30 because I "abandoned" the mission after it happened the first time. Hopefully not but I recognize that may be the case. I'm afraid to try it again though lol.


Active Member
I got 2 plushies, and then the npcs ! turned blue. One day later I could turn in another 30 magic.
I got 3 plushies now, will try tomorrow again.

It's a shame that the level 41 and upwards mobs have a 15 ped global threshold. But.. all in all.. Thanks for the nice gifts Cyrene !

Merry X-mas!


New Member
Oh no! After 3 successful plushy experiences with the elf, he has turned against me, took my 30 magic, and didn't give me my plushy. Opened a case. I'll try again with another 30 later I guess. I still love visiting Cyrene regardless....kinda Zen after the Caly crowds....or is that kinda Zyn...


New Member
Zyn, took my 30 yesterday, reported, heard nothing... now Zyn doesn't work at all for me... I keep trying, but nothing