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Holiday Items


Active Member
They already said it 'appeared' there were still some 'sync issues' because of the teleports that are STILL not fixed.
I have a feeling 'sync issue' is going to be synonymous with 'the check is in the mail' concerning this as MA tries to weasel out of yet another fuckup on their part.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Any update on this? Will they be granted to those who landed on the originally advertised day or do we have to come back?

The new plan for these is to be given out from March 30th until April 6th, though you will have to come back to the planet to receive them if you aren't there during these dates.



Active Member
Why keep making promises..

and on the positive front, I've got my Bugged improved s.i. heart rank III, upto tier 3.3 by clicking and decaying it while I'm not healing myself. I will wait for it to be unbugged when I reach tier 10. I guess when I turn it in for a rank IV one, all my tiers are gone.