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How to make Zorra HK


Fate Thanatos Themis
It is quite simple, just put the right ingridients into the refiner:

  • Xent Tech Light Rifle Prototype
    • you gonna get one yourself while following the Zorra missions chain
  • 4 Great Sea Beast Lazidol parts, that are a part of the loot from this mob (each of them got 100ped TT so it's not so commont to loot them)
    • Lazidol's Brain Stem
    • Lazidol's Tounge
    • Lazidol Shell Fragment
    • Lazidol's Bone Fragment
  • and press start. Done!

I made a small summary how to make Zorra HK here http://cyrenesecrets.com/how-to-make-zorra-hk-pkhunting-goodie/



Well-Known Member
Heya Thantos,
Just some things :
Greater power Crystal : refine a weakened Power Crystal + a Lesser Power Crystal . Problem is : lesser Crystal is missing in loot since many years.

You can get 1x Lazidol Fishing Lure every 6hrs, that mean 4 maximum per day. :)

Have fun !


Active Member
Can i get confirmation from Kris Cyrene that Greater power Crystal is dropping, me and others that are doing mission whoud be realy angry to finish all stage and see that crystal is not droping ,


Well-Known Member
As i saw since many years, only weakened power crystal is in loot (around 1 every 6 month). About lesser power crystal, humm, still missing :( .

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I just want to start out by saying that I'm really glad to see everyone sharing data about this and not hoarding it.

Can i get confirmation from Kris Cyrene that Greater power Crystal is dropping, me and others that are doing mission whoud be realy angry to finish all stage and see that crystal is not droping ,

The Greater Power Crystal was greatly reduced in drop rate quite some time ago, and the Lesser and Weakened Power Crystals put in it's place: Lesser Power Crystal + Weakened Power Crystal can be refined into a Greater Power Crystal.

In 2017 I did ask for some items to be increased, but with the loot 2.0 it could have been affected in some way, although to my knowledge it's still available, but either way I'll follow up with this.
