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how we treat people


Active Member
An instance for puny mobs where players with HP >110 cannot enter would solve a lot.
Or put them in the hub... higher level players have mindforce things in their head, and don't like it removed, so they don't go there.


New Member
There is a spawn of paneleons that several people hunt. its a rather thin spawn, but 3-5 people can hunt there without much issue. this is the story about the little people that dont 1-shot an 80 hp mob.

Jan 7 --> spawn has 4 ppl actively killing, the small power avatars ask avatar XXX to please head to a different spawn, as folks will killing with good haste (but not 1-shot). avatar XXX declines and essentially says 'fu'... avatar XXX begins actively stealing kills by those who will damage the mob, but not kill it in 1 shot. Player AAA was first affected, had more than 10 kills stole, and to my understanding, filed a support ticket. The same later happened to player BBB, they filed a ticket (to my understanding), and then later in the day the same kill stealing occurred, and i reported the matter as a harassment ticket.

Please check your chat log of Jan 7 . did he really said "fu"... when he asked him leave the place ? or he said "fu" when he said "u dont deserve any respect neither here nor real life".

please be truthful on this one at least.


New Member
yah, that happened. you showed up, started shooting others mobs after being asked to not steal mobs, and/or head to a different spawn. what about the part where you said 'dont hunt near d***heads'? or the part where you mocked kill stealing, both in game, and on PCF?

a whole lot goes into this, but i do feel like you stomping on others ability to enjoy the game was the offence. you stole kills for the better part of (at least) 3 days, from multiple people. the excuse --> they were near 'your spawn' .... ...


General | Victory
Sounds like you got what you deserved Mike.
Your society name is kind of ironic.


Active Member
The "compensation" makes MA look really really bad. :/
But they do say its all about who you know and who you blow.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

So I separated the posts into 5 categories:
- Moving the Spawns
- Instances
- Strongboxes on Low Level Mobs
- Player Attitude
- Missions

I felt this would be an easier way to read through my responses, and without further ado:

Moving the Spawns
maybe have them on non-weak/puny creatures? having several young-old spawns could be really fun, much like the island north of outer rim.

Kris, since acting as police is not something cyrene official can do, putting more spawns for weak paneleons would be good. Even in times when strongboxes dont drop it would be good to have several spwans since this is the go-to mob for sweat gatherers and its not comfortable to grind close to them.

It could very well be the simplest solution to add more spawns / adjust the spawns around this area.

Now if there was a 2nd equally small spawn nearby, and I'd assume near a shore line too??
1. Then XXX the kill-steal thief would have no excuse not to go elsewhere when asked politely.
2. It would also give anyone/everyone else the chance to simply leave and quickly get to other spawn location.
3. Solves any crowded feeling. When I tamed Panes +year back it felt overcrowded whenever just 4 players appeared there.

I think that Planet Cyrene can always improve, especially with the n00b area.

1) I think it depends on positioning and player attitude, of course there are some players who may do this intentionally, not only because of the small spawn.
2) *see 1)
3) This is the difficult one to balance out where some spawns feel overcrowded with mobs vs spawns that feel over crowded with players. Coupled with the fact that some players like to have other players around when hunting. It's something that we are actively working on, and perhaps we can suggest to MA some sort of technical solution: maybe spawners that would scale up or down depending on the number of players in the area (within reason of course).

I'd like to suggest some radical stuff to Kris.
Suggested in the belief that a, b, c, would be fast and very simple to do. And d, & f could appear later? (Suggestion c being shared to avoid hiding in fear inside yet another boring af solo hunting mission instance.)

a. Move the Nimets (non-rookie mob) from front entrance of Rookie area to opposite side around 139103, 77606
b. Put the second puny paneleon spawn where Nimets had been but a little closer to the road and thinly along shore towards the south bridge at 138682, 77461.
c. Place a third larger spawn area of puny paneleon (as a shared mob??) in the middle of that thin landbridge at 137501, 76730 since it has water on both sides and fairly flat.

I don't know how "radical' this is but, I do think it's interesting:

a) Sure, they could be in a different spot
b) Seems reasonable
c) I hear what you're saying about the solo hunting missions, it's also something we want to avoid when making instances, they should be different/unique compared to normal hunting.

Perhaps an alternative solution would be a Paneleon Cave or Instance that allows players to have their own personal spawn and could maybe be used for a mission or chain.

suggestion - solo instance for paneleon.

An instance for puny mobs where players with HP >110 cannot enter would solve a lot.
Or put them in the hub... higher level players have mindforce things in their head, and don't like it removed, so they don't go there.

I think have instances like that would be really cool actually. I get worried it might...detract from the world a bit though.

That being said it could be a really cool way for players to team up and hunt together in their own private area.

On the Hub is also an interesting idea. Lilmc and I were already talking about the best way to integrate more PvE into the Hub (while of course working with MA on how that balance will play out).

suggestion - an instance whose contents can be promptly changed to whatever is currently en vogue.

(it's not always paneleon that's in demand)

We'll look and see if we can come up with some sort of middle ground solution. I think maybe that would could introduce some sort of "choose your own mob" instance.

Gee that sounds really neato, I'll have to set our guys on that and see what can be done.

That being said, it should be different from normal hunting, there should be a reason to still hunt in the world vs hunting only in instances. It's really interesting so we're going to look into it, it could very well be...dare I say..dynamic, I mean fun!

Strongboxes on Low Level Mobs

while i do like the idea of having such great mark-up on smaller mobs, it really brings out the worst in people. Avatar XXX has openly mocked the fact that he was kill stealing in game chat, as well as planet calypso forum, as i had commented on another thread.

I'm on Cyrene to tame and finish a few nearly done smaller missions, so I don't have a horse in this race.
But it seems to me that the strongboxes from punies are to give newer players some small chance to loot them.
It's up to Cyrene officials to decide, but removal looks like a pay-to-play move, just saying.

This part isn't really up to us (Planet Cyrene) as MindArk are the ones who distribute the strongboxes among the creatures. While I'm very hesitant to remove any sort of loot that players want to hunt for to us this seems like loot from these n00b mobs have fallen short.

That being said if anything this will help us to look at loot more critically for any and all future rebalancing.

Player Attitude

to me, its abusive, and its really frustrating to be the first one at the spawn, an then told to leave by support, when we (small group of hunters) asked that avatar multiple times to please not steal kills, and head to a different spawn.

@Kris | Cyrene --> while you cant dictate how people play, or where they hunt, if they destroying other peoples ability to enjoy the game, what then? If avatar XXX is costing players ped by one-shotting mobs that others have dumped PED into already, does that not hinder others ability to enjoy the game?
- in real estate (in the US) owners are entitled to quiet enjoyment of the land, meaning that you should be able to enjoy the land and use of your property without much disturbance from others. I dont see how this is much different. Multiple players opening multiple harassment tickets on the same player --> and we are all shit on. never mind that fact that avatar XXX has taken dozens of kills costing several ped at this point. yet he is rewarded with quiet enjoyment, and we are,.. ... ... ... ??? i dont know what we are, other than screwed to the point that we are not able to participate in the same type of enjoyment?
maybe i am way off base here. but to me its insane that an abusive 'bully-like' player gets rewards, and players asking for space, and politely asking others for quiet enjoyment, just get told by support 'go elsewhere' ....

if that is the model for this business.... i really do worry

I'm sorry for those involved and that have been affected by such behavior.
It is unfortunate that MA does nothing about these kinds of Harassment claims, as it is only hurting their platform and player retention.
Planet Partners should have the right to be able to Restrict Access to their Planet from Players that don't play well with others in their sandbox.

Their concerns are with someone deliberately and repeatedly stealing their kills after the affected players had already tagged them.
This sort of behavior should not be tolerated in a RCE.

This is sort of a...touchy subject, at least from our perspective. While we don't want any players to feel like they are treated unfairly or denied justice, we also don't have the power to police these kinds of things.

I think of the best things about EU how it still has the old school sort of feel, where within the universe players will create a reputation for themselves that will follow them throughout the entirety of EU. When players behave in this sort of way and garner a bad reputation, that is something that is hard to shake off.

As far as restricting players, it seems a bit excessive and unless the system is setup the right way with constant iteration + real human review on a case by case basis it seems to me that it could be exploitable, introducing a new type of harassment.

As for the situation in question, I've reviewed the available information and believe live support did the right thing.

If you don't like what's happening, you can move, and you can ask others to stop following you; you cannot demand that others move away.

I think for this case we have to follow suit, while I don't like the idea of other players bullying out players, we have limited options: which is why we are having this thread in the first place.

It's up to us (Planet Cyrene) to make sure that the players that come here have enough space to have separate hunts for the majority of fauna whenever possible.


As a side note on the paneleons, please a repeatable mission for this guys!!

d. Put a daily hunting NPC for puny paneleon near the landbridge.
f. Then see if MA will let you add a pet taming mission for arrets, and one for paneleon.
Just as a test case to see if it all works out etc.
And could simply add more taming missions later on if its a good fit for Cyrene.
(Afaik no one has any taming missions in game, unless that changed last year when I was away???)

We should absolutely add missions for these guys, and it's something that we'll see if we can do for the next PP VU.

As far as taming missions go, I believe there is a reason that no other planet has taming missions, which is because there isn't a way for the mission system to recognize a tame. At least as far as my testing has gone, this was around the time that the Arret was found on Cyrene so this might not be the case anymore. I think a follow up with MA about it is in order.

I want to thank everyone who plays and participates on Planet Cyrene in the game, forum and discord for all your comments/questions/feedback.



Well-Known Member
How about boxes can drop from any mob during this period?
Pans are now EUs most notorious mob for easy box farming.
Next time there will be even more players and escalations.

Once again "Tide Claw" is the mob when boxes are on.

Edit: Hub is not a bad idea. HP cap, equal skills.
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Well-Known Member
I vote for Tide claw too :)

I doubt about hub spawn that will work. Since the weapons are really bad in hub, heal tool bad, armor bad, do you plan to import in hub some weapons calibrated with loot 2.0? If no, forget to put a hunt spawn in hub.

I still said, it make sense to put strongbox on your Holliday mobs. You have a themed mobs, it will be normal to see seasonal strongbox on them.