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Hub Industries Project

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Venture Industries is currently running a project titled Hub Industries. Our members are encouraged to spend time in the Cyrene Hub to earn the tokens there.

550,000 tokens are required to trade in for the Coat of the Proving grounds, an item that should have a very high sales value due to the high amount of time and effort required to gain the tokens for exchange. The coat should sell for a value of around 5000 PED due to the cost of the Lime Green Tokens being around 5-10 ped per 1,000.

I am looking for players who will gather tokens and trade them to Thaddeus Rusty Venture, when we gain a total of the 550k Lime Green Tokens needed for exchange we will then sell the coat and divide the earnings between players based on tokens acquired.

Post here if you are interested in joining this project, either as a society member of Venture Industries (we are currently recruiting) or as a outside contractor not part of the society. You will earn the same cut if you participate.
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Active Member
Has one ever sold yet? How do you know that is what it will sell for? Just because one of the very early ones may have sold for that much does not mean subsequent ones will. The market is also ripe with price manipulation as well by individuals trying to inflate what something is worth so they can try to profit off newer folks who don't know any better. Let's also not forget the 'rich boys' who have way more money than common sense and will pay insane prices for the first of something just to have the bragging rights. Once they get their prize that does not mean the rest of them will sell for that. Can you guarantee that return to your investors? The EP II print used to sell for 100 peds too, now they are worth 3 or 4? How can you guarantee you'll have enough of the tokens to have a coat while the price is still up. We see where this one is going.

Folks, be VERY careful about 'investing' in any get rich quick scheme in EU. There are plenty of scammers here and in the end run, MA will say; 'Well you gave them the money willingly, sorry". There are also plenty of individuals with pie in the sky dreams but no genuine or realistic / logical method to make them happen. THINK before you invest in anything here.

If someone wants to throw money away, I know a few shops on Monria that are for sale. Another failed venture there.


Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
People are actively buying the tokens for 5 and even 7 ped now, this is not the place for this argument if you want to discuss this there is a thread for that already.

There is no investment here, I do not expect you to purchase the tokens and give them to me. They are for earned tokens. This is an alternative to farming them other than selling them directly. Users will get their exact share of the profits from whatever the coat does sell for. If it sells for little then the players are still getting fair value for their tokens as that is what they are to be used for and ultimately their value.

Some people, myself included might feel like it is a waste to sell the tokens as whoever is buying them is obviously going to either make a profit selling them or the robe, or get the robe themselves. Either way this is an opportunity for players who do not have the time to get all 550k tokens themselves to get a share of the direct profits from the tokens, rather than selling them off.
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Active Member
But if they sell them off they will probably get a better price individually instead of hoping you can pawn them off or throw them into a coat of questionable value. That is what I am saying. Im not arguing the cost of a token, you are correct there is a thread for that, I am questioning the feasibility of this endeavor here to really give them a beneficial return.

What you say makes no sense. You and a few friends thinks is a waste to sell them to others, because they will get a coat with them, but not to sell them to you.. to get a coat with? How is selling a token at a known 7 ped up front a waste when compared to maybe getting only 3 ped a token months later under your scheme? At least by selling them off now they know what they are worth. It's not a potentially empty promise. Not to be knocking Arkadia but look at the AUD's as a prime example. They were said to have HUGE potential for great gains. In reality, the pay out is pretty poor compared to some other investments one could have made with that money instead. I bet there are many who wished they had not gotten those deeds. INVEST WISELY!

All I am saying is people need to think things through, don't get lured by a get rich quick scheme or a road to riches that is very poorly thought out. In the end people can invest, or throw away their money on whatever they want to. Just saying they need to look at the larger scheme of things and don't act foolishly.



Well-Known Member
Well it's a gamble, take safe peds now or wait a bit with a potential bigger return.
Since Ace just got his coat i think the price for tokens might drop a bit again for the immediate sale, so this could potentially be a good idea.

(ofc collateral is also a good idea if loads of tokens are involved).

But for now I'm personally keeping my small stack in the hopes to one day be able to get the coat myself :)


Active Member
harmony I think many will do that as well. As the novelty of them wears on, the price of tokens will drop as well, just like with the EP prints etc and eventually they will be much more affordable for all wishing to buy them. If they can fix the hub so they quit spawning in the ceiling / underground and non reachable areas I believe that will help the spawn rate as well on them so folks will be able to get even more.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

If they can fix the hub so they quit spawning in the ceiling / underground and non reachable areas I believe that will help the spawn rate as well on them so folks will be able to get even more.

Just to touch on this point here, in the next PP VU we have tried to make not only better placed spawns but more spawns in the Proving Grounds.


Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene


The Hub is a PvP area that has it's own unique system of game play in Entropia Universe. An avatars skill level is not a factor here, everyone is set to the same level and able to efficiently use all of the weapons available. Your normal weapons and armor do not work in the Hub either, instead you must purchase items from the PvP trade terminal inside, these Hub weapons cannot be used outside the Hub. The Hub allows players to participate in PvP combat based on personal skill in the game. Each kill rewards a portion of the entrance fee for each arena, which go up in value starting from only 10 bottles of sweat. This tutorial will guide you through the cheapest arena, the Proving Grounds.


The Hub can be accessed from any teleporter on the planet. Simply select the Hub from the dropdown menu.


Use the Proving Grounds Entry Teleporter to warp to the Proving Grounds entrance area, from there you can walk forward into the glowing wall to warp to the Proving Grounds. Doing so will consume 5 bottles of sweat from your inventory and warp you to the Proving Grounds. In this area you can pickup Reward Token (Lime Green) in stacks of ~10 each. These tokens can be exchanged for rewards or sold to players. You also earn 4 tokens for each player you kill in the Arena.

To leave the arena simply press T to warp out.



Player Kill [4 Reward Token (Lime Green)]
Loot off ground [~10 Reward Token (Lime Green)]

The Reward Tokens can be used for the following rewards:

Contact Thaddeus Rusty Venture in-game to sell your tokens for 1 PED per 1,000

Posting this here for reference.


Active Member
Not to be knocking Arkadia but look at the AUD's as a prime example. They were said to have HUGE potential for great gains. In reality, the pay out is pretty poor compared to some other investments one could have made with that money instead. I bet there are many who wished they had not gotten those deeds. INVEST WISELY!

And here we are a few months later.. AUD payout is currently higher than CLD payout at current market prices.
Ark has done a lot to promote hunting in the underground and it is clearly paying off.

Bakh Baccus

New Member
And here we are a few months later.. AUD payout is currently higher than CLD payout at current market prices.
Ark has done a lot to promote hunting in the underground and it is clearly paying off.

I feel that the only reason AUD pay-outs went up was because of the Ark events. Re-sellers are buying AUDs at regular rates again, between 48 and 50 PED, as opposed to 52 to 53 PED just a few weeks ago.

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
I feel that the only reason AUD pay-outs went up was because of the Ark events. Re-sellers are buying AUDs at regular rates again, between 48 and 50 PED, as opposed to 52 to 53 PED just a few weeks ago.
isn't all the smuggler mission chain underground? i think that alone moved it from 1pec most days to 1.5 average/day