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Selling Hub Weapons and Gear

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
I currently have for sale, The following Hub only weapons and Gear.

TT Gear:
Turrelion Spec First Aid Pack : Tier 1.1
Turrelion Spec First Aid Pack : Tier 1.2

White Level:
Star Dust Stunna
Xent Tech Freeze Ray X1
Alpha Sticky Launcher
Turrelion Spec Flamebather Version 1

Blue Level:
Enki's Revenge

Purple Level:
Enki's Nemesis
3 Star Stunna

Red Level:
Enki's Supremacy
5 Star Stunna
Xent Tech Icy Death Ray
Turrelion Spec Fire Starter

Yellow Level:
Full set of Turrelion Homeland (M) Armor

Taking Offers on Everything, I have also put categories of items from TT to highest level of Red.

If items Don't sell I will make another posting and put them in an Auction style post.

If you need any other info please check out my HUB guide in my signature below.

Good luck and who would want to purchase part of the Alpha stages of Cyrene all gear above are Unlimited unless stated otherwise.

-The Chief

George Skywalker

Active Member
I forget was the red level the most powerful items?

How much are you selling the red level items and the yellow level Turrellion armour?


Well-Known Member
I have no idea of their worth atm, but starting it off at +50 for:

Xent Tech Icy Death Ray
Enki's Supremacy
5 Star Stunna

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
Starting Bids at:

White Level TT+20 Buyout: TT+100
Blue Level TT+50 Buyout: TT+150
Purple Level TT+100 Buyout: TT+200
Red Level TT+500 Buyout: TT+750
Homeland Armor TT*1.5 Buyout: TT*2
Tiered TT Gear TT+10 each

Q: What is so unique about these Weapons?
A: They were Alpha Exclusive Hub weapons they were discontinued and no longer obtainable.

Q: Why do the prices seems a Bit high?
A: The prices reflect the cost of obtaining these items when they were available through an NPC.

Q: What else makes these items favorable?
A: They are Unlimited, They contain the max Buff/Debuff (Red Level).

-The Chief


I would like to know decay on Red Level equipement. Also if you could give me the links to all 4 Red ingame that would be nice :).

Before considering purchase i need to know exact stats (and entropedia might be out of date).

I cant remember your full avatar name and there are 3 pages of MasterChief so cant PM you ;). My full ava name: Falagor Falagor Frostmaster.



Active Member
Unless I am missing something, the damage the weapon does is not listed or range stats, fire rate etc.

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Well since these are not being removed and anyone with them is better than anyone without... even though I disapprove of that as the hub is meant to be equal for all I will have to purchase one even though I don't agree with it or forever be less effective than those with them.

I'll take a look and am interested.


Active Member
The only place essentially to get 'free' tokens w/o pvo is proving grounds and the cute puppy lion in the arena right?
