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Hub Weapons Data Sheet

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
Hello everyone, I decided the time I spent on Cyrene I have really been slacking on information sharing. So I decided ill start sharing information about Cyrene to help making players more aware and hopefully bring more attention to the planet. This week I decided to Start with the HUB.

The Hub is a great place to start as this place is where I hide out most of the time what a great place to blow off steam and just kill people with a chance of making more then you put in.

Since I have a full time Job and a family to take care of I will not be able to make them as fast as I want or on demand, Please give me some time to share with everyone what I know.

-The Chief

Please Note the sheet is an ongoing project, I plan to keep it up to date. At this moment the Clothes tab is not filled out as I have not had time to complete it. The information will be instantly posted in the link as much as I have typed out.