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Selling Hunting Loot: Zenzile's Sales Thread


New Member
I have a large assortment of loot from animal oils etc to robot loot and swamplurker oil! Feel free to pm me here or add me in game if you are interested in anything!

I'd like to do this to encourage crafters here. I need to make the most of my ped but I can still give great prices. I can let my swamplurker oil's go for around 155% and even sell some other loot for tt! As you may realize I don't want to tt thing's and I'd rather give some crafters an advantage.

Good luck to all :)

Also selling some nice guns that I've looted :)

-Imperium Issue HK 800 21.65 / 50 ped
-Imperium Issue HK 800 18.36 / 50 ped
-Imperium Issue HK 2500 42.60 / 55 ped
-Enkidd Fang S.5 36.73 / 39 ped