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i dont like this VU at all ><


Fate Thanatos Themis
funny is that to fix crafting and market here, all we need is blue crystal to become common - all BASIC weapons and many more items req it.

i would love not to tt kaisenite, just waste it while making guns, that i could hopefully sell, cheers


Fate Thanatos Themis
With the amount of idiotic beliefs that circulate, if someone actually 'knows' that the servers must be running for 24 hours before certain new elements ARE ALLOWED to be switched on (or do so automatically?), then it would perhaps be nice to explain that more clearly as a problem that currently exists, rather than making players seem impatient or something, who do not 'know' of this situation (if genuine)!
Any factual updates or confirmation of this (and which bugs are not a part of that process)?

As i remember toggeling NPC on was manual and by PP.
Loot can be changed wo turning down servers also, but its up to MA i guess, not PP.

IMO its better to switch things on one by one and see what happens, instead of turning on all at once and then trying to figure out what the hell is f/kd up.

btw, can we get paneleon old alpha to stalker respawn?

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Active Member
yeah, blue needs to be as common as yellow or green (or close to).
I also believe NPC switching is manual, yes - I'm unaware of any guidelines that say when unlocks should be made (and not forgotten), but I thought it was in MA hands too actually.

It is, however, SICKENING to have no idea when something MAY be switched on or off (or to a new system) at the whim of some individual somewhere, especially things like entire mining drops and crafting for new bps or so. It's like playing roulette, but behind a screen so you can't see what numbers come up. You are simply told win or lose - you don't even know if a ball is actually being rolled and you have any chance at all of success (i.e. is the table even 'switched on' or are they just happy to accept your peds for nrf, or no bp found - nbpf).
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The outpost east of Tahnok cystal gardens should of got some kind of update/upgrade.. I see lots of activity there and yet nothing.. sucks.. as for the VU I think I will save my depo for when things are running properly. as of right now I blew thru 200ped of ammo on dire weeds and the loot sucked big time... I tried then to do some crafting and found the the cube component 1 tells me I have no attempt when in fact I have lots and lots of the materals for that BP.. yea things are in (rob the player) mode and I will need to wait till MA flips the (fair to player) switch to on.


There can be only one, and YOU BUB; Are NOT IT.
They have a "Fair To Player" mode? Good lordy! I've not seen that one on--- I bet it's got some massive dust on it... if it's even operational..


What text shall i put here!?
Is it still very very easy to get Scrap Iron, to the multi acount IMP Lancer blueprint?? And still almost imposible to get "Medium Grade Power Supply", that you need 32 of to craft "Medium Power Cell".. "Medium Power Cell" used for the Unlimited blueprints Lancer v1.. thats soon worth like tt thanks to the multi acount blueprint IMP Lancer.. This piss me off.. That you like to feed the multi acount users so much and not the realy deposite players!


Not suffering from insanity, enjoying it very much
Jak, you did see that the cube needs unrefined materials and not refined, right?
I.e. lysterium stones, not ingots


There can be only one, and YOU BUB; Are NOT IT.
This piss me off.. That you like to feed the multi acount users so much and not the realy deposite players!

Well, can't cater to those who are using ban-able multiple account users (Breaks the EULA) - If you see some one doing it: report them.

Plus, IMHO - Depositing doesn't make a person "Special" in here - as I have not deposited and yet I am far better off than many of those I know who do....

Just saying.......... Plus my Momma says I'm special.... at least so I've heard.:bduh:


Not suffering from insanity, enjoying it very much
Rofl goldmoon, it has been proven and proven again and again, mindark dont give a rats ass about multiple accounts.
Most, probably ALL, the top crafters got multiple accounts. Some land owners got several accounts. Mindark knows this, they just couldnt care less.

ErnestJ, a pirate mostly known for being dumb, has a mothership on on of his multiple accounts. We know this, mindark knows this, but nothing has or will ever happen.


What text shall i put here!?
Well, can't cater to those who are using ban-able multiple account users (Breaks the EULA) - If you see some one doing it: report them.

Plus, IMHO - Depositing doesn't make a person "Special" in here - as I have not deposited and yet I am far better off than many of those I know who do....

Just saying.......... Plus my Momma says I'm special.... at least so I've heard.:bduh:

I dont say its bad with feeders(If none put money to the game, you dont have any to get).. all ppl is good for EU, with other words all type of ppl make a good comunity/game(more ppl, more economy for everyone) :)

Rofl goldmoon, it has been proven and proven again and again, mindark dont give a rats ass about multiple accounts.
Most, probably ALL, the top crafters got multiple accounts. Some land owners got several accounts. Mindark knows this, they just couldnt care less.

ErnestJ, a pirate mostly known for being dumb, has a mothership on on of his multiple accounts. We know this, mindark knows this, but nothing has or will ever happen.
Sad but true..

// Sliver


Plus they need a PM ability in here....

click on a persons name next to their post and it brings up a pop up window, one of the options there is 'Start a Conversation' Click on that and it starts a 'PM' conversation with them which you can also add other people to just like a private thread which is pretty cool and imo better than other forums pms.
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There can be only one, and YOU BUB; Are NOT IT.
click on a persons name next to their post and it brings up a pop up window, one of the options there is 'Start a Conversation' Click on that and it starts a 'PM' conversation with them which you can also add other people to just like a private thread which is pretty cool and imo better than other forums pms.

Heh heh-- meant for those who aren't posting much... more right 'now' kinda PM. The conversations are nice too. now the title I got PMS from you makes sense..


There can be only one, and YOU BUB; Are NOT IT.
Rofl goldmoon, it has been proven and proven again and again, mindark dont give a rats ass about multiple accounts.
Most, probably ALL, the top crafters got multiple accounts. Some land owners got several accounts. Mindark knows this, they just couldnt care less.

ErnestJ, a pirate mostly known for being dumb, has a mothership on on of his multiple accounts. We know this, mindark knows this, but nothing has or will ever happen.

God is that true - they stopped caring right about the time someone put $10 in this game. Probably one of those "convenient clauses". you know, the kind they only enforce when it begins to hurt them. kind of like seatbelt tickets. It's enforced after the fact kind of thing.


Active Member
Arghhh :banghead:

To both you and the rest - we are very sorry about the issues and the inconveniences they have caused - but are looking into everything and hope things will be solved ASAP!

Thank you for reporting!

I have been meaning to come back and take a look to see what's new...but before I do, need to know, have you fixed the mobs HP yet?


There can be only one, and YOU BUB; Are NOT IT.
I know what he means - and the answer is a semi-yes. There's now tier level creatures (from Weak to Stalker, Devastator, etc.) They also all don't pack the all might Death Hammer of Doom either.