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I feel it's time to voice my disappointment in cyrene

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Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
After working so hard for the WolperTinger, and getting it first I found it was not worth the effort.

I was okay when I found out it would have a different ability eventually, but it has been so long I feel that will not occur now. The fact mine is 2 weeks older due to the bug made it up a tiny bit too.

But then someone else gets the fucking new item unlock, and I still don't have that NPC to give me and the other user (sorry been awhile I forgot who) the achievement. I feel it should immortalize my avatar name (be named Thaddeus Rusty Venture) to make it up as he is essentially an NPC for only me and another person. But that is selfish to ask so I am not majorly concerned there.

Anyways, I have not really been back to cyrene other for the xmas gifts and still feel bummed out and disappointed. I keep waiting for a new VU with nice content to bring me back but it is not.

I did the badge missions, and got the stolen armor, which was really nice it is my only armor set still. But there are no UL weapons, I checked and stayed up late to be the first to log in and check when you posted it would be restocked. for a month I did this, becoming more disjointed each time.

There are no rewards worth getting, it's garbage in there.

Then there is other concerns, where are the new staff members. They should have been working for two weeks already, why no news? Why is your website not updated with them? (Digitalscryers.com)

Where is PlanetCyrene.com? Where is the launch? Why does my Turrelion Settler Coat still not have a mission?

EDIT: Forgot to mention, you are purposely not including trees. I know this due to the fact that if Neverdie can add trees, with zero coding experience, you can add it. MA is not stopping you. You are preventing massive additional decay and profit for yourself, and cutting off an entire profession.

All these things disappoint me, Cyrene is my favorite planet, I want to be here. But there is nothing to draw me back over my current disappointment.
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Active Member

To be honest, I'm too new in this universe and on this planet to have even a remote idea about any of the things you talk about here... so I won't comment about that... What I can say however is that, even when we're right, it's really not constructive to see things only from our perspective, point fingers at others and make a little tantrum...

Try to think at things from this perspective: while for us, as players, delays, bugs and generally slow development are an inconvenient, we always have the option to "vote with our wallet" and just move our "business" to another planet or even to another game, when it comes about developers, there's also their RL money (and we talk here about a lot of money) at stake... so I'm quite sure that they're the first ones that want their business venture to succeed and do everything in their power to do so... and if things don't go as they should, they're the first one to be sorry about it, so no need for us to throw rotten tomatoes towards them any more...

So just have a bit (more) patience, show a bit (more) trust (after all, look at everything that was already done) and I'm sure that good things will happen and you'll be happy about the results. :)

P.S.: About the new guys that were supposed to join the development team, I don't know much, but even just my little peeking over the forums revealed at least a new guy with a bright star over his head, who joined right in this period you talk about, so I guess the "miracle" actually happened. :p And the reasons why there are no more details, as you would like to, is kinda explained by himself right here where he says "I apologize for not introducing myself yet I'm still getting set up, I'll have more details later on what I do for Planet Cyrene team and community at a later time."


Active Member
To be honest, I'm too new in this universe and on this planet to have even a remote idea about any of the things you talk about here... so I won't comment about that... What I can say however is that, even when we're right, it's really not constructive to see things only from our perspective, point fingers at others and make a little tantrum...

Then please don't post messages like this. It just makes some of the old time players really pissed off. We been waiting for over 5 years now (4 years after it was released) for a full launch. So far we have gotten a lot of bug issues plus Cyrene lost 2 of it's 3 servers with the current planet only hosted on one server with a hole new planet that sorry to say looks like it was a rush job over a weekend to downsize.

We have hope that something will come of Cyrene but with so many broken promises it just does not look good.


Active Member
Then please don't post messages like this. It just makes some of the old time players really pissed off. We been waiting for over 5 years now (4 years after it was released) for a full launch. So far we have gotten a lot of bug issues plus Cyrene lost 2 of it's 3 servers with the current planet only hosted on one server with a hole new planet that sorry to say looks like it was a rush job over a weekend to downsize.

We have hope that something will come of Cyrene but with so many broken promises it just does not look good.

I don't need to know much about the specifics to know that is not nice to come in someone's (virtual) house and start raging in front of his other guests... if you have something that you are unhappy about, I find it much more nice to approach said person in private and voice your concerns... or, at least, if you decide to make it in public, to try to make it in a constructive way, like harmony did in his post.

And, really, I find it more elegant that when no longer happy with a certain place, company, person to just take distance and mind your own way, instead of start criticizing... you know, "if you can't say something nice, better not say anything at all"... like, remember, back in May last year when I decided to quit the game, I had my reasons and certain people I could have "blamed", but, instead, I decided to just took it all on me and quietly step back... and I really think I did good...

PS: As far as I was able to saw far now, I totally *LOVE* Cyrene, and I also encountered quite a lot of people who love the planet, even in its current state, and trust the devs that they'll continue their amazing job. :)

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Then please don't post messages like this. It just makes some of the old time players really pissed off. We been waiting for over 5 years now (4 years after it was released) for a full launch. So far we have gotten a lot of bug issues plus Cyrene lost 2 of it's 3 servers with the current planet only hosted on one server with a hole new planet that sorry to say looks like it was a rush job over a weekend to downsize.

We have hope that something will come of Cyrene but with so many broken promises it just does not look good.

I've been waiting 4 years as well.
I feel both positive and negative opinions need to be passed to the staff so they can best get a gauge of the communities feelings. I am honestly just trying to help.

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
I don't need to know much about the specifics to know that is not nice to come in someone's (virtual) house and start raging in front of his other guests... if you have something that you are unhappy about, I find it much more nice to approach said person in private and voice your concerns... or, at least, if you decide to make it in public, to try to make it in a constructive way, like harmony did in his post.

And, really, I find it more elegant that when no longer happy with a certain place, company, person to just take distance and mind your own way, instead of start criticizing... you know, "if you can't say something nice, better not say anything at all"... like, remember, back in May last year when I decided to quit the game, I had my reasons and certain people I could have "blamed", but, instead, I decided to just took it all on me and quietly step back... and I really think I did good...

PS: As far as I was able to saw far now, I totally *LOVE* Cyrene, and I also encountered quite a lot of people who love the planet, even in its current state, and trust the devs that they'll continue their amazing job. :)

Public opinions is needed, both positive and negative. If you only ever saw praise then you'd know this place is bullshit. It's the fact that they allow posts like this (you'd never see this at PCF) and actually take the time to read and learn from it, that makes me LOVE cyrene so much. Don't get me wrong, I do love cyrene. I want to help, my 'raging in front of other guests' is only trying to help, and makes others more confident when they see the official replies to it as well.

Just look at the tutorial section to see how dedicated I am to this planet. I want it to succeed and this is just another way of me showing I care.
I care enough to let you know what's wrong. And I care enough to hope for improvements and actually expect some *eventually*.


Active Member
I've been waiting 4 years as well.
I feel both positive and negative opinions need to be passed to the staff so they can best get a gauge of the communities feelings. I am honestly just trying to help.

Yes I still have hope but more than 3 years not hearing from Ed or even any of the main C-Team it's kind of hard to keep that hope. I do have hope that at some point they can get enough cash to turn the planet around and bring the old servers back online. Just Lovefall making that post that 'all is fine, nothing wrong here' post kind of got me going. :) Being new and all she simply doesn't understand that we been waiting for 1/3 of her LIFE time :eek:

Kris stated that they didn't communicate due to the language barrier but Kris I guess didn't know that Ed along with others from the C-Team would post over on EntropiaPlanets a lot. About the time of the break up, MS9 and others leaving, is about the same time Ed left the forum and all kind of went quiet other then Kris coming back time and again stating all is fine 'we are looking into giving you your gifts soon'. The final nail was when they had to downsize and do that rush job on the planet to have Kris come on saying "all is good! we are going LIVE by the end of the year!" That there was the biggest joke of all sorry to say since well the new planet is no where even close to being ready for a full release.

Last, for the most part I'm saying I'm right here since you may remember after I stated the above, more or less, a while ago Kris replied asking me who I knew at MA so he could report them for telling me this. o_O

At the end I would love to be wrong here since Cyrene was the best looking planet in EU and I would have loved to have called it my home. And yes also why I'm so hot about all this as well I guess.


Active Member
YJust Lovefall making that post that 'all is fine, nothing wrong here' post kind of got me going. :) Being new and all she simply doesn't understand that we been waiting for 1/3 of her LIFE time. :eek:

You got it wrong.

I can totally understand that some people may be unhappy about certain development decisions (like the shrinking part) or about development strategy as a whole, and, to be honest, I would probably be unhappy too if I would have to wait for something for four years.

I can also understand that feedback, even negative feedback is needed and any developer that actually care about their business should be happy to receive any possible feedback - at the end of the day, is the only way to know what is working and what isn't.

There are two things though I can't agree with (and not only in this context, but in *any* context):

#1 Demanding things and or explanations

Each game developer has their strategy, their priorities, their budget and their plans.

Depending if what they offer us is enough to make us happy or not, we should play their game or not... is as simple as that... they offer the game "as it is" (think that's even in EULA) and we can "vote with our wallet" and stay or leave.

But they don't owe us any explanations or anything... being in game is, by itself, a privilege, not a right.

#2 Bashing someone in their own house, in front of their guests

I'm quite sure that all games (or at least this one) has contact forms where you can give feedback to developers, and I used those more than once to politely let developers know what I like and what I didn't liked on their game (on the planet I was born for example, I had *hours* of discussions with a certain Lars telling him what I think it could have been improved).

Giving public feedback can be also OK, because it allows others to add in the discussion and point their feedback too... but I find it to be common curtsy that when you do that to try to be constructive and keep a positive tone... don't talk in a different way than you would like to be talked with, by your guests, in your own living room...

To make a parallel with real world, if you go to a restaurant and not like the food there, I find it normal to:
- leave and never come back
- fill a complain with the manager/owner letting him know what the problem was (maybe he was not aware and it was just the fault of an employer)
- fill a complain with authorities (if you think your rights were violated)
but I don't find it normal to climb on a table and start yelling in front of all other customers your list of "demands".

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
It's not climbing on the table and yelling demands, it's climbing on the table and yelling complaints. Which I would do in real life if I was put off as strongly as I am here. I would for sure go on the table and yell till a manager came, causing a huge scene. It hurts the restaurant more then it embarrasses me. Same here, I will shout my complaints for all to hear so they are better addressed.


Well-Known Member
While i agree with half your points your other points are very self-oriented and not very realistic. I feel you could represent yourself better, and get more result with giving constructive feedback.


Active Member
It's not climbing on the table and yelling demands, it's climbing on the table and yelling complaints. Which I would do in real life if I was put off as strongly as I am here. I would for sure go on the table and yell till a manager came, causing a huge scene. It hurts the restaurant more then it embarrasses me. Same here, I will shout my complaints for all to hear so they are better addressed.

Just a theory to meditate on... and maybe manage to get to be a bit more relaxed about things that happen or not happen inside a game you play to entertain yourself when bored... anyway, quoting from this article (trying to stay civil so all F-words were BEEPed, and boy the original author really used a ton of them).

Eric Hoffer once wrote: “A man is likely to mind his own business when it is worth minding. When it is not, he takes his mind off his own meaningless affairs by minding other people’s business.”

The problem with people who hand out BEEPs like ice cream at a goddamn summer camp is that they don’t have anything more BEEPworthy to dedicate their BEEPs to.

Think for a second. You’re at a grocery store. And there’s an elderly lady screaming at the cashier, berating him for not accepting her 30-cent coupon. Why does this lady give a BEEP? It’s just 30 cents.

Well, I’ll tell you why. That old lady probably doesn’t have anything better to do with her days than to sit at home cutting out coupons all morning. She’s old and lonely. Her kids are d**kheads and never visit. She hasn’t had zex in over 30 years. Her pension is on its last legs and she’s probably going to die in a diaper thinking she’s in Candyland. She can’t fart without extreme lower back pain. She can’t even watch TV for more than 15 minutes without falling asleep or forgetting the main plotline.

So she snips coupons. That’s all she’s got. It’s her and her damn coupons. All day, every day. It’s all she can give a BEEP about because there is nothing else to give a BEEP about. And so when that pimply-faced 17-year-old cashier refuses to accept one of them, when he defends his cash register’s purity the way knights used to defend maidens’ virginities, you can damn well bet granny is going to erupt and verbally hulk smash his BEEPing face in. Eighty years of BEEPs will rain down all at once, like a fiery hailstorm of “Back in my day” and “People used to show more respect” stories, boring the world around her to tears in her creaking and wobbly voice.

If you find yourself consistently giving too many BEEPs about trivial sh*t that bothers you — your ex-girlfriend’s new Facebook picture, how quickly the batteries die in the TV remote, missing out on yet another 2-for-1 sale on hand sanitizer — chances are you don’t have much going on in your life to give a legitimate BEEP about. And that’s your real problem. Not the hand sanitizer.

In life, our BEEPs must be spent on something. There really is no such thing as not giving a BEEP. The question is simply how we each choose to allot our BEEPs. You only get a limited number of BEEPs to give over your lifetime, so you must spend them with care. As my father used to say, “BEEPs don’t grow on trees, Mark.” OK, he never actually said that. But BEEP it, pretend like he did. The point is that BEEPs have to be earned and then invested wisely. BEEPs are cultivated like a beautiful BEEPing garden, where if you BEEP sh*t up and the BEEPs get BEEPed, then you’ve BEEPing BEEPed your BEEPs all the BEEP up.
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Sandal San Tolk
I made a mistake by coming to Cyrene a bit early and starting to like it. Then it was pulled from under my feet. Will it come back? At the moment, all that's left of it is drab, industrial grinding with a number of rewards as attractive as ever, but nothing else. So I come to it like I come to work, and when the shift is over I go home again.

It's the fact that they allow posts like this (you'd never see this at PCF)
Which is odd, because that place is policed entirely by players.

On the topic of being passionate, I think initiative is appreciated but not all styles are equally likable.
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Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Just a theory to meditate on... and maybe manage to get to be a bit more relaxed about things that happen or not happen inside a game you play to entertain yourself when bored... anyway, quoting from this article (trying to stay civil so all F-words were BEEPed, and boy the original author really used a ton of them).

Eric Hoffer once wrote: “A man is likely to mind his own business when it is worth minding. When it is not, he takes his mind off his own meaningless affairs by minding other people’s business.”

The problem with people who hand out BEEPs like ice cream at a goddamn summer camp is that they don’t have anything more BEEPworthy to dedicate their BEEPs to.

Think for a second. You’re at a grocery store. And there’s an elderly lady screaming at the cashier, berating him for not accepting her 30-cent coupon. Why does this lady give a BEEP? It’s just 30 cents.

Well, I’ll tell you why. That old lady probably doesn’t have anything better to do with her days than to sit at home cutting out coupons all morning. She’s old and lonely. Her kids are d**kheads and never visit. She hasn’t had zex in over 30 years. Her pension is on its last legs and she’s probably going to die in a diaper thinking she’s in Candyland. She can’t fart without extreme lower back pain. She can’t even watch TV for more than 15 minutes without falling asleep or forgetting the main plotline.

So she snips coupons. That’s all she’s got. It’s her and her damn coupons. All day, every day. It’s all she can give a BEEP about because there is nothing else to give a BEEP about. And so when that pimply-faced 17-year-old cashier refuses to accept one of them, when he defends his cash register’s purity the way knights used to defend maidens’ virginities, you can damn well bet granny is going to erupt and verbally hulk smash his BEEPing face in. Eighty years of BEEPs will rain down all at once, like a fiery hailstorm of “Back in my day” and “People used to show more respect” stories, boring the world around her to tears in her creaking and wobbly voice.

If you find yourself consistently giving too many BEEPs about trivial sh*t that bothers you — your ex-girlfriend’s new Facebook picture, how quickly the batteries die in the TV remote, missing out on yet another 2-for-1 sale on hand sanitizer — chances are you don’t have much going on in your life to give a legitimate BEEP about. And that’s your real problem. Not the hand sanitizer.

In life, our BEEPs must be spent on something. There really is no such thing as not giving a BEEP. The question is simply how we each choose to allot our BEEPs. You only get a limited number of BEEPs to give over your lifetime, so you must spend them with care. As my father used to say, “BEEPs don’t grow on trees, Mark.” OK, he never actually said that. But BEEP it, pretend like he did. The point is that BEEPs have to be earned and then invested wisely. BEEPs are cultivated like a beautiful BEEPing garden, where if you BEEP sh*t up and the BEEPs get BEEPed, then you’ve BEEPing BEEPed your BEEPs all the BEEP up.

As I have explained to you in private chat, this is my way of playing the game. This game is shit boring to actually play, I enjoy the social aspect of it as role play as I feel Venture would be in game. This is my way of entertaining myself when bored.

You are now just trying to attack me on a personal level because you don't agree that I can be passionate about something that isn't 'my business'? That example is fucking horrid as well, that cashier is choosing to fuck the old lady over, they are to take the coupon even if it is expired, or anything else. It's 30 cents exactly, the CASHIER is causing the scene by not accepting it, not the woman. I would freak out too, some people enjoy living life that way, as I explained to you. Not everyone is a reclusive 16 year old girl.

Also, this game IS real life, everything in life is real life. And is absolutely my business. If I can see it, hear about it, or interact with it in ANY way, it is MY business. Not cashing a coupon at a store or not getting my achievement in game here is part of my life. I don't see how it is not.

Hoffer is an asshole, and your making this some kind of personal attack on me using his words, with your post having absolutely zero to do with any of my suggestions or complaints, and rather having no purpose other then to attack me. Just stating something like “A man is likely to mind his own business when it is worth minding. When it is not, he takes his mind off his own meaningless affairs by minding other people’s business.” is directly implying that I don't have a life, that my life is not worth minding? What the actual fuck? Fuck you for saying that. What gives you the right to decide who's life is worth minding based on a persons personality? That is no different then racism, deciding if a persons values their own life worth minding based on HOW YOU PERCEIVE their color, or the way they act, or anything else.
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Active Member
You are now just trying to attack me on a personal level because you don't agree that I can be passionate about something that isn't 'my business'? Also, this game IS real life, everything in life is real life. And is absolutely my business. Hoffer is an asshole, and your making this some kind of personal attack on me using his words, with your post having absolutely zero to do with any of my suggestions or complaints, and rather having no purpose other then to attack me. Just stating something like “A man is likely to mind his own business when it is worth minding. When it is not, he takes his mind off his own meaningless affairs by minding other people’s business.” is directly implying that I don't have a life, that my life is not worth minding? What the actual fuck? Fuck you for saying that. What gives you the right to decide who's life is worth minding based on a persons personality? That is no different then racism, deciding if a persons values their own life worth minding based on HOW YOU PERCEIVE their color, or the way they act, or anything else.

You took it way more personal than you should... and my post was more towards you saying you would actually climb on a table in a restaurant to yell you complains. :p

However, in all honesty, my message (despite harsh) was a friendly one and meant to offer you a different perspective that you may be missing (remember, like in that "jeans that make me look fat" discussion we had)... and, really, all I was saying was that such passion could be better channeled towards more meaningful and positive aspects of your life, or even of your gameplay. :p

And the reason while I had that article in my bookmark and was able to link it to you, is just because I've read it more than once to teach myself the very same lesson that I was trying to teach to you... that we must learn to choose our wars... it is just not worth wasting our time/life fighting over trivial things, even if we are right...

I really admire your passion, but you just have to learn sometimes to let some things go... is really not worth to waste your life fighting for a 30 cents coupon, climbing on a table in the restaurant just because pizza was not baked enough or jump with your teeth on a game developer's neck just because they were not able to keep all their promises, run out of budget or just have different development vision that you hoped... and it's not worth not because you are not right, but just because you can do much better with your time.

Makes any sense?

(Anyway, this is my last message on this subject, since this already escalated and we're way off-topic... I just hope you'll be able to take one step back, understand what I'm saying and what I'm meaning; and since this may very well also be my last message on this forums, I wish you farewell and may best things happen to you both in and out of game.)
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