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I Wish sweat could be "planet bound"


Active Member
Sweat is used in quite a few BP's on Cyrene. Because of it's small playerbase a new player could in theory get several PED per K if MA made sweat "planet bound" somehow... I realize eventually the playerbase would grow and prices would plummet.... but for now it'd be a great start for a new player. I'd have gladly paid 5 PED for 1k earlier instead of sweating up my own 100 bottles for crafting purposes. Was no one around at the time though selling any.

Would be cool if they could allow PP's to add a 2nd resource to sweating. Maybe keep sweat as is but add a 2nd resource that could be extracted that was considerably more rare. In a successful sweat attempt get 6 bottles of sweat and 1 particle of Cyrene Atmospheric Compound or something. Sweat with it's old time use of ME and the other ingredient for crafting.



again, I have no idea...
I think that being able to transport stuff from one planet to the other is in some ways hurting the economy of the smaller planets for sure (like the sweat example you gave), but on the other hand it is helping them as well as the stuff created with the sweat is most likely going to another planet as well.


Active Member
I think that being able to transport stuff from one planet to the other is in some ways hurting the economy of the smaller planets for sure (like the sweat example you gave), but on the other hand it is helping them as well as the stuff created with the sweat is most likely going to another planet as well.

True... BUT... being able to sweat a Cyrene specific ingredient to craft those clothes would make it even better. Adding a 2nd ingredient to "sweating" would allow Planets to really jump start their own economy.
