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I'm after info to get Entropedia upto date

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
Now this is someone who actually deserves a statue.
i would love a statue
@Jetman Can you also update loot pool for bots. XT dropped Corrosive Attack Nanochip I for me. Not sure if that's any help since I killed around 200k and only one chip so far. They don't seem to be common loot ;)

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
as of now ive done all i can, was about 2.1k edits.

All missions i know of added, still needing some rewards, mining Points for stages 3-5 and nothing regarding the Hub Coat chain, as i don't know anything concrete
All mission chains have templates added to mob page
Mob/item page now shows all other missions that mob/item is involved in
Many Mission Brokers added
Images for Mission Brokers, Locations and Items added
Blueprints added, still missing a few

Example of mob page, probably the busiest of all
Screenshot (34).png

I did notice the poor Arrets don't feature in a single mission, neither do Ice Golems but i think an Arret mission would be well received
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Sandal San Tolk
Completely forgot about those, I saw a global of one but never killed one. Where are they?
Southeastern corner of the Merfolken's island, just drop into the water under the bright stone pillars. I remembered they exist from an earlier VU announcement, but haven't heard if their storyline and evtl. planned missions are implemented yet. Just returned to Cyrene the other day.

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
Southeastern corner of the Merfolken's island, just drop into the water under the bright stone pillars. I remembered they exist from an earlier VU announcement, but haven't heard if their storyline and evtl. planned missions are implemented yet. Just returned to Cyrene the other day.

I'll have a look later today, I flew over to caly to get something from storage and don't plan to stay.

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
Southeastern corner of the Merfolken's island, just drop into the water under the bright stone pillars. I remembered they exist from an earlier VU announcement, but haven't heard if their storyline and evtl. planned missions are implemented yet. Just returned to Cyrene the other day.

done, found 4 maturities. no missions but there were 4-5 interactive ruins there, probably for upcoming mission


Sandal San Tolk
If a mission does get added, I like the names "I smell Arret" or "Arretic" plays on "I smell a rat" and both Heretic and Erratic
Some were requesting taming missions. This would be an ideal target. (Maybe if there was a better purpose than the pet juicer.) What actually happened, is it a bug or not? Did anyone say anything? Ah well, that's for a different thread.

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
Some were requesting taming missions. This would be an ideal target. (Maybe if there was a better purpose than the pet juicer.) What actually happened, is it a bug or not? Did anyone say anything? Ah well, that's for a different thread.
aye that was me :) http://cyreneforum.com/threads/taming-iron-mission-arrets.7331/
i really like the idea still, would bring something new to cyrene, ofc Arret need to be tamable again