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Imperium Killer Rank 2 is it bugged?

K I just finished Imperium Killer Rank 1 (100 kills of scout mat or higher) and no issues

Im on rank 2 now the 500 kill mission...

And where the "counter" shoudl be ... in its place is just a descritpion that says .53 Ped Aim

The rewards for theese ranks are strength tokens so why does it say .53 aim? and no counter? Would really hate to kill 500 of theese and have them NOT count cause someone scrwed up the code somewhere?

Can anyone confirm or deny that this is bugged? Kris? Anyone? Thanx

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
thats weird, i have finished that stage already and it displayed correctly for me, if your just starting, try abandoning the mission and retaking?
Abandoning the mission and getting Imperium Killer Rank 2 does not change it... where the counter should be it still says .53 ped aim..... Kris Can you please take a looksie at it ... Thanx.....
Update: Well even though the counter is "bugged" and the weird .53 aim is in its place... the mission still does complete after killing 500 imperiums(internal counter) so i was able to finish the mission at least... But thats def something that needs to be looked into... Thanx!