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In Hammer We Trust - A Chain Mission Series from Ranks 1 to 6.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Faceof,

Can you tell me what the issue is with it? There was no issue on the test server and I haven't gotten any reports about it.



Hi Kris , hmm i dont understand why no one mention it...in NPC dialogue box dont show Rank 1 and Rank 3 Mission...is this work right and im wrong ?
And then, where is the Broker for this 2 missing missions?

Faceof is Dynamic...:secret:


There are several new bugs at Cyrene atm:

1. Paneleon as mentioned: Rank 1,3 is missing
2. Seems like the Zyn Nix-missions aren't activated yet
3. The Duke Event timer is broken, mobs suddently die and the next wave arrives eventhough not all of them are killed.
4. Massive spawns, mer beach/hives edge etc.

Just a heads up. Don't know if you've gotten reports about this yet.

Hope to see the paneleon quest soon, been looking forward to it
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Just found this floating in the air as well. Never seen that before

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Missing stage 1 I have read ans heard in a few places. Not there to test myself. Btw you should always test on the libe server if possible. Neverdie does it so you can. Just load like 10k ped onto an account and test manually. If you cant spent money testing why would we spend money playing

Gisela Dawes

Active Member
Missing stage 1 I have read ans heard in a few places. Not there to test myself. Btw you should always test on the libe server if possible. Neverdie does it so you can. Just load like 10k ped onto an account and test manually. If you cant spent money testing why would we spend money playing

Neverdie is the last partner that is allowed to play the game. The officials from the other PP have special accounts and are not allowed to play, as far as i know.


Hey Faceof,

Can you tell me what the issue is with it? There was no issue on the test server and I haven't gotten any reports about it.


Although I'm not on Cyrene at the moment myself, I was watching the #cyrene chat after the VU to find out more about the new content there, as it sounded like you might have the most interesting new stuff. People were talking about the broken missions all day long. There was at least one occasion when one of your official avatars (Lilmc?) joined in the conversation.

I don't understand how you could possibly remain unaware of this almost 24 hours after the update was released.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Missing stage 1 I have read ans heard in a few places. Not there to test myself. Btw you should always test on the libe server if possible. Neverdie does it so you can. Just load like 10k ped onto an account and test manually. If you cant spent money testing why would we spend money playing

Although I'm not on Cyrene at the moment myself, I was watching the #cyrene chat after the VU to find out more about the new content there, as it sounded like you might have the most interesting new stuff. People were talking about the broken missions all day long. There was at least one occasion when one of your official avatars (Lilmc?) joined in the conversation.

I don't understand how you could possibly remain unaware of this almost 24 hours after the update was released.

The majority of our testing happens on the test server, where we have access to the debugging tools. From there, the missions are activated by MindArk to be on the live server. Normally after that it's available to all players and it's no issue.

Here's what I was seeing on test:
jake hammer.JPG

Showing all missions available, so I've already notifed MindArk about this situation and hope they'll get these missions activated soon.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

You did notice they are in the wrong order on your screenshot though, didn't you Kris? :)

Yes I did, however, in this case it was too late to go back and remake all the missions so they could be in the correct order, as the sorting happens automatically within the quest system. It's something that we try to keep a watch on here but sometimes it falls through the cracks.



Neverdie is the last partner that is allowed to play the game. The officials from the other PP have special accounts and are not allowed to play, as far as i know.
Interesting. Where did you hear that?

I've heard Calypso had the policy all their devs were provided "official avatars" (whatever that means exactly) and a certain allowance so they could play, test and see first hand how it all feels and looks like from the players point of view, on the actual live server. It was also mentioned that the activity logs of those avatars were monitored by MA.

It was just a random remark on the forum and it didn't specify if those avatars had the yellow star above their head or not. What I do know is that the official avatars with those yellow stars have special properties (can't be killed etc).

It was years ago, I can't be certain about the details or even if this policy is still in place?
Using common sense it would be pretty strange thou to make testing on the live servers impossible for the PP's. Then again, who knows, not everything always follows our common sense...

Well, if PP's are allowed to speak about those things maybe they could shed some light on that? ;)


Active Member
Interesting. Where did you hear that?

I've heard Calypso had the policy all their devs were provided "official avatars" (whatever that means exactly) and a certain allowance so they could play, test and see first hand how it all feels and looks like from the players point of view, on the actual live server. It was also mentioned that the activity logs of those avatars were monitored by MA.

It was just a random remark on the forum and it didn't specify if those avatars had the yellow star above their head or not. What I do know is that the official avatars with those yellow stars have special properties (can't be killed etc).

It was years ago, I can't be certain about the details or even if this policy is still in place?
Using common sense it would be pretty strange thou to make testing on the live servers impossible for the PP's. Then again, who knows, not everything always follows our common sense...

Well, if PP's are allowed to speak about those things maybe they could shed some light on that? ;)
PPs aren't allowed to speak due to NDA, but I believe ex-PP employees may be allowed... MS9s revelation from way back is over at http://www.entropiaplanets.com/threads/they-walk-amongst-us.11222/

If she's right, there are a lot of PP avatars in game, some of which are blatently obvious, and other's not so much...

Makes you wonder how accurate Finkle's statement from way back in 2007 was over at http://blogtropia.blogspot.com/2007/04/resellers-scammers-leeches.html