OK, now I understand better the anxiety of some players about possible MA avatars. Anyone who doesn't constantly whine and curse MA most likely will be suspected to be an undercover MA employee by someone. I think it's fun, all this dagger and cloak stuff is lot of fun.PPs aren't allowed to speak due to NDA, but I believe ex-PP employees may be allowed... MS9s revelation from way back is over at
If u say it makes u wonder then it makes me little worried about you. It is quite obvious to me the person writing this suffers from the Paranoid personality disorder...Makes you wonder how accurate Finkle's statement from way back in 2007 was over at
Selection of most brilliant gems from his comment:
10% returns, where have I read it before?The day you download this program and get put at Port Atlantis you are immediately approached by employees of Mindark posing as old players. [...] The staff of mindark sit around and create accounts all day, scam newbies, manipulate the market, get Hall of Fames to entice you to keep playing, ...
... go out and start hunting the animals, only to discover your ammo runs out and weapon breaks without you having made even 1/10 of what you need to repair them and buy more ammo.

Ahh right, every other whining post on PCF lol.
Best part is where he describes how his whole freind list is made up from just a few MA avatars who are posing as different persons. Brilliant!!!

Well it's kinda funny, but it's also kinda sad if u think what life might be like for a person who's so far gone...