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Info about upcoming Entrolympic Events 2022 special Cyrene + Preview/Teaser


Active Member
On this thread you can find more details about the Entrolympic Events 2022 special Cyrene.

List of events:
- Fruits Finding Event
- Miss & Mister Entrolympics 2022 special Cyrene
- PvP Event
- Racing Event
- Sweat Event (Sweat and Quiz, Sweaty Halloween Costume Contest)
- Secret Task

Each event will reward awsome prizes and Athletic Points to participants.
The Athletic points are going to be used to rank participants.
At the end of all the events, players with the most Apoints will win "Best Athlete" bonus prizes.

Events tips & fortaste:

PPG Triathlon Relay Race tips:
- the swimming part should go smoothly if you do not go too deep underwater
- the driving part can be perilous, drivers will have to be careful not crash or make accidents.
[Planet Cyrene, 134581, 79405, 100, Waypoint]
[Planet Cyrene, 134811, 79384, 100, Waypoint]
[Planet Cyrene, 135018, 79297, 100, Waypoint]
[Planet Cyrene, 135184, 79227, 100, Waypoint]
[Planet Cyrene, 135358, 79218, 100, Waypoint]
[Planet Cyrene, 135523, 79186, 100, Waypoint]
[Planet Cyrene, 135679, 79162, 100, Waypoint]
[Planet Cyrene, 135846, 79146, 100, Waypoint]
[Planet Cyrene, 135998, 79189, 100, Waypoint]
[Planet Cyrene, 136149, 79257, 100, Waypoint]
[Planet Cyrene, 136366, 79407, 100, Waypoint]

- the running part can also be perilous, runners can come across mobs on their way
These positions can help runners to avoid certain obstacles:
[Planet Cyrene, 133425, 79122, 1014, Waypoint]
[Planet Cyrene, 133425, 79122, 1014, Waypoint]
[Planet Cyrene, 133474, 79263, 100, Waypoint]
[Planet Cyrene, 133592, 79338, 100, Waypoint]
[Planet Cyrene, 133732, 79352, 100, Waypoint]
[Planet Cyrene, 133864, 79424, 100, Waypoint]
[Planet Cyrene, 134012, 79455, 100, Waypoint]
[Planet Cyrene, 134170, 79463, 100, Waypoint]
[Planet Cyrene, 134330, 79434, 100, Waypoint]

To give you an overview of the upcoming events, here some videos of the previews events with similarities.
-Miss & Mister Entrolympics 2020 Special NI-AG
-Racing in Ancient Greece Entrolympics 2020

If you need to contact me, my avatar name is Jo Johaoninho90 jo

We keep in touch :)
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Active Member
For info, rewarding makeups during Miss & Mr Entrolympics is a must do.

Entropia Universe is full of players with artistics talents. Making makeups is one, if not the only way for them to show their talents.

For Miss & Mr 2020 special Next Island, the makeups were made by the talented and friendly EnTaro Adun Artanis
mask_reward_mister_entrolympic_2020.jpg and mask_reward_miss_entrolympic_2020.jpg

For Miss & Mr 2022 special Cyrene, the makeups were made by the legendary hypnotica trance blain
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Active Member
Thanks to Shawna and Cyrene Team for sponsoring with unique items ! :loveshower::bowdown:

Here under a torch, there will be 2 torches rewarded to winners Miss & Mister Entrolympics 2022 special Cyrene
The flame will be blue.

Here under, this unique trophey will be rewarded to the best athlete of events happening in Cyrene
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Active Member
The spawn of some mobs changed after updates so...if you plan to participate in the triathlon, the racetrack did not change and is still the one planned:

You must just be aware that you will face some packs of mobs on your way.

If you plan to participate, I advise you to go scout the zone and find some peacefull ways you can use during the race, and also think about getting some RK repairing tool for the driver and a decoy dispenser for the runner! Just in case*

edit PS: Or, you can smash the mobs mouths, that's also an option :D

kind regards