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[info] Logging your hunting results using Google Sheets

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene


Sometimes when you are loosing often it is easy to forget those big loots you had earlier and feel like you are loosing more than you are. I have created a spreadsheet to aid in calculating hunting results long term. This Tutorial will show you how to input your hunting data into the spreadsheet as well as find out how much decay you used in the hunt.


You will need a Google or Gmail account to save your info in Google Drive, or simply download the document and edit it on your personal computer. Click here to view my spreadsheet.

Go to File on the top left under the title of the spreadsheet (Hunting Template) and click "Make a copy..." this will copy the spreadsheet to your own Google drive account and allow you to edit it freely.


Only input any information in the teal boxes to avoid removing any of the calculations. This spreadsheet will automatically add up all your decay and compare it to your loot to let you know your return in PED and percentage.

Input the total amount of Decay into the B, C, and E columns. Input the total amount of ammo purchased into the D column. It will be automatically totaled in the F column. Enter your TT return into the Column G. The Weapon used and any notes, as well as the creature name may be filled in or edited if desired.


To calculate the decay of each item, you can write the total TT in the field before the hunt, or on a piece of paper, and subtract the items new value after the hunt from the amount before the hunt. This will give you the decay of the weapon, armor, or fap. You can total the value by putting the items into a trade terminal for it to add it up automatically, just be sure not to accidentally sell anything. This same method can be used to find the total TT return of the hunt. When you do so, do not forget to include any extra ammunition looted in the TT return.


This will allow you to see if you are profiting or losing from each individual hunt, as well as view the long term results of your hunt to ensure you are hunting at an acceptable return rate.​
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One small item not covered is the attachment decay (plate, sight, scope, amp) and the enhancer cost.
Also, how do you deal with the ammo looted added to your base start-up ammo?
Or do you use only Universal Ammo? so all BLP and Laser ammo are calculated as loot?



Active Member
Angels most the things that really count generally don't get covered in that specific venue of tutorial. Take them with a large grain of salt.


Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene

One small item not covered is the attachment decay (plate, sight, scope, amp) and the enhancer cost.
Also, how do you deal with the ammo looted added to your base start-up ammo?
Or do you use only Universal Ammo? so all BLP and Laser ammo are calculated as loot?


I include that in the weapon decay field and add them manually, along with enhancer cost. Basically all possible kinds of decay fall under the 4 fields I have there in my opinion.

I usually use universal ammo to see the ammo from loot, or I otherwise just subtract it, for example:
100 ped BLP ammo used for the hunt, I finish with 20 ped of the ammo left, I put 80 in the ammo spent field even though I likely spent more due to looting extra ammo, however that ammo is not added to the loot field as I used it so it evens out and gives a proper report of return still.

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
re: Ammo, I work my list a similar way. If I dont use universal ammo, say a buy 100ped blp, I use all my ammo including looted and if I finish it all I add ammo to loot, but if the run is ended early I subtract my ammo, but only the ammo I was using, subtract blp but laser goes in loot

I don't actually have a field for any armor, plates, amp, fap... Just one big fat repair field. Just easier at the end and its already like 15 columns