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Is there a demand for pet buffs from stable?

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
As for sweetstuff, I just checked - I have 5123 mining claims logged on Cyrene, and no sweetstuff.
I think I may be wrong then and the VU notes are as well, and cyrene secrets, and this quote from Kris. So I can see how I might be mixed up :p

Hey guys,

I can confirm that there is both sweetstuff and force nexus here on Cyrene now.

I would also like to add that nothing has been moved, however a couple spawns (read: 2) have been changed co accommodate these two new additions.



Active Member
Well I hope they get things sorted with the sweetstuff. Nutrio bars are expensive enough as they are.


Sandal San Tolk
Yea, I've not found more then 30 on any planet since the CLD plots.
On Arkadia the number of fruits per find often exceeds 50, sometimes over 100. In recent times I have only Calypso to compare, but I wondered about that already.


Oh no. I've been on cyrene for about 3 1/2 months now, with some goes to Arkadia and Calypso to sell stuff I craft here, since here there's no market. Last weekend were on Arkadia and to pass time went mine a bit and picked up 280 bombardo, and Just yesterday, already here on Cyrene got 12.
Entropia 2015-10-13 21-53-10-30.jpg

So something is out of balance here.
I haven't spent more than half hour on RT or Toulan or NI to say something about them but on current active planets, seems Cyrene is the bastard of them all that is pushed aside.


Well-Known Member
Well i can agree that cyrene isn't really a good planet for pets.

It's very hard to get enough fruits and sweestuff to supply the pet owners. Grayvey has been trying to buy the ingredients for weeks, with limited succes.

But that can be because the lack of players compared to bigger planets, and not because of the lack of available resources.

What we can do to lift this problem a bit is buying nutrio in calypso at 320% and put it at auction here for 360% (to cover the auction fees), but then people get aggrivated because we are 'reselling' and charging 'unreasonable' prices.

I really have no idea how to solve it, i just hope shops get added soon, which reduces the need of people to visit other planets, more people on cyrene should lead to an increased supply.


New Member
I get a pretty good deal on caly so if players need small amounts pm as i can sell at 320% - 325% out of auc. Been buying buffs when i can, appreciate you opening the stable again harmony, i hope its paying for itself.


Well-Known Member
I get a pretty good deal on caly so if players need small amounts pm as i can sell at 320% - 325% out of auc. Been buying buffs when i can, appreciate you opening the stable again harmony, i hope its paying for itself.

Thanks for helping out!


Well-Known Member
Well that wasn't too succesful.

Total costs to add the buffs for 2 weeks: 35 peds
Total income received from selling buffs: 19,5 peds

So a loss of 15,5 peds.

But i noticed that Kris added a nice wolpertinger pet last VU to our stable for everyone to see.
Seems the cyrene teams loves taming a lot more then MA :)

So we'll give it another try, but only with the speed buff. Hoping it goes better, and if not, we'll try again in a few months.


Sorry for your loses. But that's one of the main reasons I came to Cyrene. Very few people use pets there. Even if the economy is not that thing is better to be here than on Caly with so many annoyances. I'm Arkadian born but the issue with the sound there lead me to choose other planet and after few considerations, Caly and RT too many pets, Toulan I went there few times because of the old Faanos, but I will never set foot there again until vehicles are allowed. NI is dead even I like the planet, one of the first where I started crafting, now everything is nerfed there, so Cyrene was the logical choice. I know you had to try, few players pouped up with some pets once migration ended, I even got bit surprized, but even so, is hard for me to stumble with tamed pets around, the fewer times are when I go to suply depot to do MARIOVR or trade with someone with pets, other than that is a peaceful day wherever I go.

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Damn, I just got pet food to start buying the 10% taming buff to use along with my pills and pet buff to gain maximum experience taming arrets...

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
I will be for sure, if not more often. I'll be back on planet later today to level my WolperTinger

Maybe if I am the only user of it we can work out a deal where I just pay you for the cost of it and if I spend more you give it back? :p Also I have a MASSIVE stock of essense and rare essense if you ever need.


Well-Known Member
Maybe if I am the only user of it we can work out a deal where I just pay you for the cost of it and if I spend more you give it back? :p

Well that would enable us to provide two buffs to the people on cyrene, so sure why not.
Unfortunately we can't see who buys a buff, so you'll have to keep track of when you buy the buffs and send those to me in a pm after the two weeks.

Also I have a MASSIVE stock of essense and rare essense if you ever need.

At the way things are going now we have enough for 3 more months :(


Active Member
Hiya - I got a speed buff (from the batch that ran out a day or so ago) just to test it - and would get the taming skill one on a more regular basis when on Cyrene, which I am at the moment...

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Hey, I just made a post elsewhere that is relevant here. But it is very negative. I will remove it if you want me to, as I don't want to harm your thread with my negative opinion like some kind of asshole (Murkalael) just because I don't agree with a certain aspect.

My issue with group investments:
There WILL need to be future investment, when you have 20 investors (or even 3), all it takes is 1 person to not chip in, and the entire imporvement is gone. One example is an event that would have been paid for and hosted on Monria. One little shithead said no he doesnt have extra money to toss at it, and BAM Monria is fucked forever with no improvements until sold to a single owner, who can actually improve it.


Well-Known Member
I also saw your little rage about group investments on cyrene chat today Rusty, and no worries.

You don't like group investments, Murkalael doesn't like pets, and i don't like sweating, there isn't a thing that everybody in this universe likes. And everybody is free to voice their opinion over it, as long as it is in a respectful manner.

Now i know i won't convince you that a group investment can be a good thing, especially with your experiences on Monria, and there are always some extra obstacles when dealing with more people but please keep in mind that:

  • If it wasn't for a group investment the stable would have gone to an investor instead of to dedicated and passionate cyrene players
  • The positive of being a group is that more people can help out (for example Grayvey's pet give away event in the past, or his random 'advertising' on cyrene channel, or information about the stable on cyrenesecrets by Thanatos.
Also you don't have to worry about the future of the stable, we're here to stay :)

A small bit of extra economical information about our group investment, since that seems to worry you:
  • We didn't just buy the stable for 52k peds, we also made arrangements for possible future upgrades of the stable, so we have some peds in reserve
  • Every shareholder can at any moment sell their share for the original investment + their part of the revenue
  • As a matter a fact, one of us wanted to get a bigger share and offered 25% above the original investment, but nobody wanted to sell.
So you really have nothing to worry about with this group investment, we just wait and stick around trying to do our little bit, hoping for the promised stable functionality in a near future.