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is there many players?


New Member
I'm old player since 2005, I've played for around 6-7 years then I stop and play not regularly (2-3 times/year).
Maybe I've come to Cryene before but I can't remember because MA opened many planets at that time.
I used to use my Sleipnir move around the planets because it was the only one cheaper than Quad and only have 2 choices at that time. It took around 1h for traveling.

Now, I just want to know how to go Cryene and which way is the fastest and cheapest?
and there are enough players for buying and selling items? I'm miner so I want to make sure there is a market to sell what I mine



Active Member
fastest is quad, unless you have a mothership... If you are travelling with lots of ores I'd suggest hiring a mother ship to do warp... but if you have a quad just do it... pirate risk is highly over-rated, especially if you know where to travel... space is now designed in a way you can pretty much travel around outer edge of map unhindered mostly... when you go towards center of map expect a lot more mobs than you used to see and also a few pirates possibly. DON'T go out there in space with a Sleep-near are you will be bait for the pirates for sure. As to the market, it's small market on Cyrene... if you can manage to figure out how to transport goods to Calypso constantly you could probably make it work, but costs in overhead on hiring a full time mothership to get you there will drain your profit potential substantially.