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Bug Report June 1 Official VU Bug Thread

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Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
Please use this thread to post any bugs from the June 1 VU update.

List of known mobs missing from the Codex so far

• Skyshatter Drone
• Scout Bot 779
• Duster Leaders
• Empis Wasp (recently hatched and queen count)
• Red Molten/Lava Infused Golems (count in Crystal Golem Challange)
• Duster clan leaders/elites
• Renegade Fenris
• Imperium Veteran Officer
Thank you:bye:

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New Member
EDIT: Nevermind, seems to be working now, I'm sorry -_-.

Summoning Totem mission is currently glitched. I can't get mission when I talk to NPC.
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New Member
Edit: Nevermind, relog fixed this.

Edit: Nevermind, relog fixed this.

Zorra Winters in Hub - ARC Faction Stage 1 Teleporter will not allow me to interact with her to unlock stage 2 dailies. Has exclamation point over her head but when I interact nothing happens.
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Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
Edit: Nevermind, relog fixed this.

Edit: Nevermind, relog fixed this.

Zorra Winters in Hub - ARC Faction Stage 1 Teleporter will not allow me to interact with her to unlock stage 2 dailies. Has exclamation point over her head but when I interact nothing happens.
Thank you for the update!

We will take a look at the quest and see what is up with it.


Active Member
Is not a bug, but is a request for improvement, the Mech spawns are to close one to another, i tried to hunt the L91 ones and i always ended up having 3-4 L59's on me, and i tried diff approaches, tagging them and extracting them from the pile, moving from one edge to another, same issue. Are 3x 4Mechs on each maturity, and if u are getting away to be safe, they go beyond radar ( AI )

Is a pain when someone tries to get close again and more than 2-3 L91's are eating your HP/armor. I m not an easy to kill player, and my gear is top, my HP as well and still is hard to hunt them, i cant fathom how a team of 3-4 mid lvl players can do the big ones. I died like a fly not once, but dozen times, not because i hunted one by one, but because i was crowded.

Also these linear trees , actually not only them, are solid and not once i found myself trying to extract a Mech from those because they got stuck.

just my 2 pecs :)

Also if ROOT are getting only shrap now, idk if is a good choice of balancing, cause is just shrap now. We used to have few scraps of some other stuffs, like T5 and T7 once a day ( 2-3 comps ), now nothing, only scrapnel


Active Member
I've done some mech's today including root. I never done them before the new loot table so I can't comment on how it was before. New one involves 99.8% shrapnel, one time I looted 0.04 ped diluted mineral extractor and 0.40 ped focus lense component. Whatever you guys did kinda ruined it. For one thing a 25k hp mob shouldn't loot focus component (all mech's looting same). It should drop good oil with much demand like Spleen, 10% on avg is normal for the mobs on Calypso that can drop it. On arkadia mobs drop on avg per 10000 ped cycled around 100x tier components (based on mob lvl its tier component types it can drop varies). Kamaldon on Arkadia drops tier 3, 4, 5 tier components Young-Guardian, higher maturities can drop T5-T7 for example.

Imo instead of just adding 99.98% shrapnel the loot table should contain tier components, output amplifier components, and spleen since it's so high end mob. On arkadia all mobs above L50 can drop spleen, but they also drop mix of other oils, also animal component residue. The key to a good loot table is adding as few oil types as possible and as much shrapnel as possible while still being able to loot a good amount of tier components and outputs, wools. For example for most mobs on Cyrene it would be so much better if a mob above a certain level threshold would never drop muscle oil, eye oil etc. Replace animal component residue with shrapnel for most mobs and keep oil types to 1-2 per certain maturity level (general rule as mob lvl goes up better oils are looted with more TT). Again tier components should drop based on mob levels and it should be a descent amount in order to keep players hunting here. On Arkadia it's best place for me to grind my tier components that I need, so it doesn't make much sense for me to grind on Cyrene for that.

PS: The way the root spawn is designed is not ideal, because it's shared loot and anyone can attack it you're not able to hunt it solo, maybe an instance could be added so you could grind it solo?

Edit: Error 13 when trying to complete A.R.C Faction mission Stage 2 - Zorn star ore - daily mission.

Just my two pecs.
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I inform the result of a small study of the Codex work on the Cyrene.
At the moment, the Codex does not counted:
  • Skyshatter Drone (Basic, Standard, Refurbished maturity)
  • Rhyncho Bird (high maturity of Skull Bird)
  • Byg Byrd
  • Swamp Creeper (high maturity of Swamp Lurker)
  • Crystal Engorged Pede (high maturity of Crystal Pede)
  • Turrelion Vlanwing (Mazeweavers maturity of Vlanwings)
  • Vlad the Unraveler (Mazeweavers maturity of Dusters)
  • Turrelion Zeladoth (all maturitys, Turrelion wave type of Zeladoth)
  • Turrelion Crystal Pede (all maturitys, Turrelion wave type of Crystal Pede)
  • Empis Wasp (At the same time, Empi (another mob) is counted in the Codex as named "Empis Wasp". Obviously just confused. Judging by the characteristics of the Codex it was intended for Empi. And for the Empis Wasp the Codex is simply absent).
Of course, I did not have time to check all maturity and all bosses. If a new information appears, I will add to this message.

Tip, how to easily check the effect of mob in the Сodex. Just scan the mob. In the scanning window there is a transition button to the Сodex. If it works, then mob counts. If not, it means there is no.

By the way. If anyone is interested, the Codex for Cyrene is already fully calculated and added to the spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...JKA5vStfV5ov87AdgYI7mE0LtSw/edit#gid=67095208


This does not apply to the latest update, but still want to ask.
What is the point of removing the Mindfors-implant when teleporting in the HUB? Any mindforce chips in any case are blocked in the HUB. Therefore, the unequipment of the implant is excessively.
At the same time, it is not just unequiped, but also disappears from the inventory - you have to make a relog and installation of implant everytime. This misunderstanding is not fixed for many years. So this is not a bug, right? But why is it necessary? For me personally this reason I almost completely avoid the HUB.

Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
Is not a bug, but is a request for improvement, the Mech spawns are to close one to another, i tried to hunt the L91 ones and i always ended up having 3-4 L59's on me, and i tried diff approaches, tagging them and extracting them from the pile, moving from one edge to another, same issue. Are 3x 4Mechs on each maturity, and if u are getting away to be safe, they go beyond radar ( AI )

Is a pain when someone tries to get close again and more than 2-3 L91's are eating your HP/armor. I m not an easy to kill player, and my gear is top, my HP as well and still is hard to hunt them, i cant fathom how a team of 3-4 mid lvl players can do the big ones. I died like a fly not once, but dozen times, not because i hunted one by one, but because i was crowded.
This is something we can try and do for the mini patch.

Also these linear trees , actually not only them, are solid and not once i found myself trying to extract a Mech from those because they got stuck.
I'll take a look at the trees, I know there are a few other areas that I need to revisit and change the trees so I'll add this one to my list as well.

Also if ROOT are getting only shrap now, idk if is a good choice of balancing, cause is just shrap now. We used to have few scraps of some other stuffs, like T5 and T7 once a day ( 2-3 comps ), now nothing, only scrapnel
This is exactly the kind of feedback that we were looking for, so we will make more adjustments for the mini patch if we cant get it back to where we want, we will revert it.

Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
I inform the result of a small study of the Codex work on the Cyrene.
At the moment, the Codex does not counted:
  • Skyshatter Drone (Basic, Standard, Refurbished maturity)
  • Rhyncho Bird (high maturity of Skull Bird)
  • Byg Byrd
  • Swamp Creeper (high maturity of Swamp Lurker)
  • Crystal Engorged Pede (high maturity of Crystal Pede)
  • Turrelion Vlanwing (Mazeweavers maturity of Vlanwings)
  • Vlad the Unraveler (Mazeweavers maturity of Dusters)
  • Turrelion Zeladoth (all maturitys, Turrelion wave type of Zeladoth)
  • Turrelion Crystal Pede (all maturitys, Turrelion wave type of Crystal Pede)
  • Empis Wasp (At the same time, Empi (another mob) is counted in the Codex as named "Empis Wasp". Obviously just confused. Judging by the characteristics of the Codex it was intended for Empi. And for the Empis Wasp the Codex is simply absent).
Of course, I did not have time to check all maturity and all bosses. If a new information appears, I will add to this message.

Tip, how to easily check the effect of mob in the Сodex. Just scan the mob. In the scanning window there is a transition button to the Сodex. If it works, then mob counts. If not, it means there is no.

By the way. If anyone is interested, the Codex for Cyrene is already fully calculated and added to the spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...JKA5vStfV5ov87AdgYI7mE0LtSw/edit#gid=67095208
Awesome list, thank you so much. We will talk with MA about it to see that these get implemented.


Of course it is impossible to say for sure. But there is a strong suspicion the Renegade upgrade Components are not added to the loot. Either they are obtained in some other way.
The same applies to Icy Blue Crystal (but perhaps it is extremely rare).


Active Member
This is exactly the kind of feedback that we were looking for, so we will make more adjustments for the mini patch if we cant get it back to where we want, we will revert it.

The new addition of Strong Sinew is a good choice, if this can be kept in the loot will be a good point, those are necessary comps into manufacturing some collectibles and part of the new plating mission. Other than this a positive adjustment for T5/T7 comps will be much much appreciated by lots of players. In the previous loot composition were present in loot, but like a pinch of a salt in a big salad bowl.


Active Member
I went to start hunting the skyshatter robots ( plains, improved, advanced ) and i can say by looking at the actual dps that spawn is not big enough to keep 2-3 players, even for me alone i went at some point to look for them.

A little suggestion for these mobs that are part now on the Roy Fulker searching mission, a 50% or double amount of spawns and maybe a more separate area based on those maturity would be good add.

A similar issue like for the Mech's, the maturity are a bit closer and if the spawn will be positively adjusted will be hard for ppl to avoid the overlapping. The desert is large enough, and plenty room for adjustments.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I'll go through these sequentially:

Not even close

I had talked to @sokolade some time a couple weeks ago and the drop rate seemed to start out good and the dropped of gradually. So there was some improvement made. I'll revisit the dialogue we have with MA about it and ask them for further improvements.

Of course it is impossible to say for sure. But there is a strong suspicion the Renegade upgrade Components are not added to the loot. Either they are obtained in some other way.
The same applies to Icy Blue Crystal (but perhaps it is extremely rare).

In the past it has taken time for even newly added items to feel like they "kick in" and I got confirmation about this time yesterday that all the items were added in, I'll follow up with them about this. I for sure thought that both of these would be discovered on day 1.

The new addition of Strong Sinew is a good choice, if this can be kept in the loot will be a good point, those are necessary comps into manufacturing some collectibles and part of the new plating mission. Other than this a positive adjustment for T5/T7 comps will be much much appreciated by lots of players. In the previous loot composition were present in loot, but like a pinch of a salt in a big salad bowl.

We've made some adjustments to the loot for these mobs for the Mini Patch, with this in mind.

I went to start hunting the skyshatter robots ( plains, improved, advanced ) and i can say by looking at the actual dps that spawn is not big enough to keep 2-3 players, even for me alone i went at some point to look for them.

A little suggestion for these mobs that are part now on the Roy Fulker searching mission, a 50% or double amount of spawns and maybe a more separate area based on those maturity would be good add.

I think that's a good idea, we'll look at increasing and improving these SkyShatter spawns.

A similar issue like for the Mech's, the maturity are a bit closer and if the spawn will be positively adjusted will be hard for ppl to avoid the overlapping. The desert is large enough, and plenty room for adjustments.

Fully agree. I'm keeping an eye on this thread, and @Shawna | Cyrene is my eyes and ears on the Discord and now in game, if anyone has additional issues please be sure to post them here.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

So it seems like there were some in-progress items that ended up turning into Renegade Components, which lead to them being found on other creature types so I’ll put the full list of them here:
  • Fenris
  • Muckjaw
  • Renegade Hazard Zone Mech
  • Skreel
  • Venataur
  • Vlanwing
We’ll try to get this fixed as soon as we can, but no ETA on when that adjustment will take place.


Rick Sanchez

New Member
Hey guys,

I'll go through these sequentially:

I had talked to @sokolade some time a couple weeks ago and the drop rate seemed to start out good and the dropped of gradually. So there was some improvement made. I'll revisit the dialogue we have with MA about it and ask them for further improvements.

Wasp Queen SHOULD be fixed, but I feel like I also need to mention that Lazidol loot is not in a great spot. It tends to drop only 2 of the 4 main pieces and does so at a ~10% chance. I've farmed about 300 over the last month and ended up with several "sets" of bone/tongue pieces but have only looted a single brain piece, no shell pieces.


I noticed [Adjusted Imperium Plate] is not a rar-item. (Symmetric plates for Calypso and Next Island are rar-item).
At the same time, the usual loot ([Flesh], [Pure Body Oil] and [Aquatic Gland]) is still rar-items.
Obviously, this is a dissonance and misunderstanding.
I wrote about Adjusted Plate only because it is the only thing that was discovered to this time. The following generations (improved, modified, augmented and perfected) should also be rar-Items.

To the list of mobs missing from the Codex: Red Skreel


I noticed [Adjusted Imperium Plate] is not a rar-item. (Symmetric plates for Calypso and Next Island are rar-item).
At the same time, the usual loot ([Flesh], [Pure Body Oil] and [Aquatic Gland]) is still rar-items.
Obviously, this is a dissonance and misunderstanding.

Yes, the rare items list on Cyrene is ridiculous, and extremely annoying when the list is just full of stuff that clearly isn't rare. Other planets and MA are guilty of this too, but at the moment the Cyrene items are the most obviously irritating ones.


I'm getting an 'mission unknown, code 13' when trying to hand in daily zorn star ore mission to leigh
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