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Bug Report June 13th, 2023 Official VU Bug Thread

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Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
:badbee:Please use this thread to post any bugs from the June 13th, 2023 VU :badbee:

In line for Fall VU:

  • Refurbished H.E.A.R.T VII - currently not working for Zyn'viathan - Part 1 of 10 - Healing Heart


•Atlas T1 Ranger will be turned off until the mini patch.
•Zyn'viathan - Part 7 of 10 - A Mercenary Perhaps?
-Short term fix is simply relog and make sure where it says 'On Cyrene' it has a green check mark next to it or if you are tracking the mission, the text will be green and not gray. If so, you are good to go and the counter will count correctly.
- Long term, this will be fixed after the mini patch​
•The "Weekly Texture Trade - Hoban Statsk" mission becomes available in a day. - This mission text will be adjusted for the mini patch.
•Mercenary's Renown - cost adjustment and only rewarding the female cape, this will be fixed after the mini patch.
•Mercenary's Favor - An issue with completing this mission, will be fixed after the mini patch.
•Refurbished H.E.A.R.T VII - should be 6 per second will be fixed after the mini patch
but paramedic skill gain still bugged at 7%, should be 8%. This will be fixed in the next VU

Missions Currently Off:
•Zyn'viathan - Part 4 of 10 - Looking Good!
•Zyn'viathan - Rare & Exclusive "Diamond in the Rough" Texture Blueprint
(Zyn'viathan - Rare & Exclusive "Diamond in the Rough" Texture Blueprint will be lowered to 2000 badges and 1000 bone-out-meat after the mini patch.)

These will be live again after the mini patch.
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Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Is the quest meant to consume 5k badges or just check that you have them?
That seems like a LOT to not know what the pets stats are in advance.


Active Member
I'll also frame this as a bug question as this is a bug thread. Maybe we can have a comment thread generically too per vu?
Anyway, the balancing of the 10 missions required even to enter an instance of unknown pet outcome seems way off balance. Some of the ten don't even say how many mobs need to be killed, but in a smallish test I've so far not got more than the first tiniest of slithers of progress. The progress may be bugged, or reflects the enormity of each mission, dunno.
Anyway, the descripion says this is an epic pet mission where the ten tradeable tokens must be "combined to enter the fabled Genesis Beach and speak to…" - and there the message ends.
We have:
no idea of what mu people will be asking should they finish a mission,
no idea what further costs will lie in the instance,
no idea what usefullness and costs the epic pet will have,
no idea how easy it will be to tame (if we have to do that),
no idea if access is a one-off, and bad luck if you somehow get thrown out of the instance, or lag, or whatever...

I think this is at the very least conceptually 'bugged'. If even one mission is bugged and gives the wrong reward then that also sounds like trouble (although the devs on Cyrene are very present and helpful, so that is maybe not such a risk).
Other planets have "had to" tone down the requirements after a while once they see there is too little interest. I cannot even decide which mission is the biggest no-no - maybe it is the texture one, where you have to go through all the sweat 'generation' and turn-in to even get the right bp for MASSIVE clicks of also as yet unknown mats...
Maybe it is the unknown badges turn-in (which may be 5k as implied by Rusty above), as it means regathering them is then required.

I realise there may be the complication of MA forcing certain conditions, but as things stand I will consider this chain as highly 'bugged'.

On the new daily textures mission, I also think 50 badges is too much, but that's a minor point in comparison. Texture blueprints aren't selling on the AH even for the lesser ones, although I do at least like the look of some of the molten textures... we shall see; nobody is forcing anything on us, so thanks for the increase in complexity and the choices we can make... :)
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The "Weekly Texture Trade - Hoban Statsk" mission becomes available in a day.
Doesn't really matter, but just for information, to correct either the period or the title.


Yes, need answers to the above questions. My Zyn'viathan skull bird progress bar has also not gotten past 1 pixel.


New Member
Yes, need answers to the above questions. My Zyn'viathan skull bird progress bar has also not gotten past 1 pixel.

Seems to be working but I am struggling with obtaining [Mostly Intact Skull Bird Skull], only looted 2 so far.

Seems to be working but I am struggling with obtaining [Mostly Intact Skull Bird Skull], only looted 2 so far.

Same here, I did 500 kills and got 0 skulls. Plus I don't have enough skills to click the BP efficiently so I think I'll stay on stage 10 for quite a while. :dunno:

Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
Let me try to break everything down in Kris style fashion :mur:

I'll also frame this as a bug question as this is a bug thread. Maybe we can have a comment thread generically too per vu?
I think this is fair and something we can do.

Anyway, the balancing of the 10 missions required even to enter an instance of unknown pet outcome seems way off balance. Some of the ten don't even say how many mobs need to be killed, but in a smallish test I've so far not got more than the first tiniest of slithers of progress. The progress may be bugged, or reflects the enormity of each mission, dunno.
The progress isn't bugged but it does require a *large* amount to be filled. Given the mission has only been out for less than a week, we don't have enough data to make any adjustments or now if any are needed.

Anyway, the descripion says this is an epic pet mission where the ten tradeable tokens must be "combined to enter the fabled Genesis Beach and speak to…" - and there the message ends.
We will double check this mission test and make any adjustments needed so the cut off isn't there.

We have:
no idea of what mu people will be asking should they finish a mission,
We don't know what the mu people will be asking either as that is entirely player based. Trying to predict what players will value and not is hard to factor into missions and something we can't really take into account seeing as it fluctuates so often.

no idea what further costs will lie in the instance,
None. Once inside, you turn in the key and the pet is just simply yours. No risk of needing to tame and then fail. We didn't feel that taming the pet was needed seeing the requirements players already had to do before entering the beach.

no idea what usefullness and costs the epic pet will have,
As soon as I can share this, I will

no idea how easy it will be to tame (if we have to do that),
You won't have to tame the pet.

no idea if access is a one-off, and bad luck if you somehow get thrown out of the instance, or lag, or whatever...
So a break down of how it will work:
Once you have the key you can enter the beach, inside you will approach the NPC turn in (hand over) the key itself in exchange for the pet. If for some reason you get kicked out of the instance, so long as you have your key you can re-enter to claim your pet. If you don't have the key after being kicked out for whatever reason and you don't have the pet, we will of course help resolve that should it come up.

I think this is at the very least conceptually 'bugged'. If even one mission is bugged and gives the wrong reward then that also sounds like trouble (although the devs on Cyrene are very present and helpful, so that is maybe not such a risk).
Other planets have "had to" tone down the requirements after a while once they see there is too little interest. I cannot even decide which mission is the biggest no-no - maybe it is the texture one, where you have to go through all the sweat 'generation' and turn-in to even get the right bp for MASSIVE clicks of also as yet unknown mats...
Maybe it is the unknown badges turn-in (which may be 5k as implied by Rusty above), as it means regathering them is then required.

I realise there may be the complication of MA forcing certain conditions, but as things stand I will consider this chain as highly 'bugged'.
Thank you for the vote of confidence, we try to help out in anyway that we can. Of course we will keep an eye on the progression of the missions and if we can, by the powers that be, we will make adjustments.

On the new daily textures mission, I also think 50 badges is too much, but that's a minor point in comparison. Texture blueprints aren't selling on the AH even for the lesser ones, although I do at least like the look of some of the molten textures... we shall see; nobody is forcing anything on us, so thanks for the increase in complexity and the choices we can make... :)
Internally we danced with the numbers on these missions but given how quickly badges can be acquired now we felt the number was okay.

Same here, I did 500 kills and got 0 skulls. Plus I don't have enough skills to click the BP efficiently so I think I'll stay on stage 10 for quite a while. :dunno:
Seems to be working but I am struggling with obtaining [Mostly Intact Skull Bird Skull], only looted 2 so far.

View attachment 4187
It will take us some time to gather the data on the skulls drop, the mission has been out less than a week so we don't have proper concrete numbers as of yet but we are already keeping a close eye on this.

Yes, need answers to the above questions. My Zyn'viathan skull bird progress bar has also not gotten past 1 pixel.
The progress does count, as you can see wingpools screenshot above showing the bar filled. Try to untrack and then track the mission, sometimes this helps show progress if none was there before.

The "Weekly Texture Trade - Hoban Statsk" mission becomes available in a day.
Doesn't really matter, but just for information, to correct either the period or the title.
I talked with Kris about this and he feels it would be fine to change it into a daily instead of a weekly, the text will be adjusted to reflect this.

Is the quest meant to consume 5k badges or just check that you have them?
That seems like a LOT to not know what the pets stats are in advance.
As soon as I can share the stats of the pet I will.
As for the badges, technically if you are doing all the missions yourself it is 5k total badges. Though they are broken into two separate missions which can be done at different times.


Active Member
Thanks for the detailed answers Shawna - much appreciated.
I haven't understood the bit about badges - "As for the badges, technically if you are doing all the missions yourself it is 5k total badges. Though they are broken into two separate missions which can be done at different times."

Maybe the mini-patch will stop the mission from auto-cancelling on me, or it does so because I haven't got enough anyway and the mission thus cancels itself. So far I don't know what is meant by two separate missions, nor the relevance of doing all the missions myself. If you mean that we can buy the token (or two half tokens?) from someone who sacrifices the badges then 5k is the cost in badges to whoever does that bit and maybe sells that mission number token on to someone else?
Anyway, thanks again! :)

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
2500 badges for the bp needed to craft the 10k clicks. This can be skipped by purchasing the bp from someone else.
Another 2500 badges must be turned in for the 9th token.

Is this 9th token also tradeable? If so then no badges actually need to be spent is what he means.

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
The mission is cancelling itself because you don’t have enough, that’s correct.

this chain is pretty awesome, if not too large. But if that 2500 badges can be pushed to someone else that’s awesome.

Are these tokens tradeable? If not can just token 9 be tradeable? Would be a great way to cash out badges for people


Active Member
Thanks for the answers. I'm going backwards a bit on badges right now, so I'll have to weigh up the pros and cons.
If selling badges is now possible per 2.5k, that may also be something to consider (but keeping whatever stage number you want access to... i.e. 200 I think for stage2)

New question: as the healing mission can be via various healing tools, can we please have a bit of further info on what counts for how much from what tool? I ask because it is also a bit uncertain what counts as active hunting by the player being healed. Is it damage from being attacked, a current mob not being dead and shot at, does a past mob still count, etc.?
If the bar moved faster I'd test it myself more readily, but I didn't manage to find out using a resto the other day.
Plus, you need an injured soul to test it on lol. Thanks ... :)

Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
Thanks for the answers. I'm going backwards a bit on badges right now, so I'll have to weigh up the pros and cons.
If selling badges is now possible per 2.5k, that may also be something to consider (but keeping whatever stage number you want access to... i.e. 200 I think for stage2)

New question: as the healing mission can be via various healing tools, can we please have a bit of further info on what counts for how much from what tool? I ask because it is also a bit uncertain what counts as active hunting by the player being healed. Is it damage from being attacked, a current mob not being dead and shot at, does a past mob still count, etc.?
If the bar moved faster I'd test it myself more readily, but I didn't manage to find out using a resto the other day.
Plus, you need an injured soul to test it on lol. Thanks ... :)
With out diving into too much detail past the amount of information I am even allowed to give out. Here is my message from discord explaining how the healing mission works.

So here is how the healing mission works:

Equip one of the specified healing tools in the mission and KEEP IT equipped during the mission. As you heal a player actively hunting creatures on Cyrene upon the creatures death and based on the decay of your tool you will see progress on your bar.

Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
Thanks for the detailed answers Shawna - much appreciated.
I haven't understood the bit about badges - "As for the badges, technically if you are doing all the missions yourself it is 5k total badges. Though they are broken into two separate missions which can be done at different times."

Maybe the mini-patch will stop the mission from auto-cancelling on me, or it does so because I haven't got enough anyway and the mission thus cancels itself. So far I don't know what is meant by two separate missions, nor the relevance of doing all the missions myself. If you mean that we can buy the token (or two half tokens?) from someone who sacrifices the badges then 5k is the cost in badges to whoever does that bit and maybe sells that mission number token on to someone else?
Anyway, thanks again! :)
The mission has been adjusted and it will stop auto-cancelling after the mini patch.

There are two missions currently that require 2,500 badges:
-Zyn'viathan - Zyn'viathan - Part 9 of 10 - A.R.C. Loyalty - complete rewards part 9 of 10 coin which is tradeable
-Zyn'viathan - Rare & Exclusive "Diamond in the Rough" Texture Blueprint - complete rewards UL BP

If you don't actually want to do these missions yourself, you don't have to because the BP is UL and tradeable. As well as all the coins are tradeable.

Now I say currently because Zyn'viathan - Rare & Exclusive "Diamond in the Rough" Texture Blueprint will be lowered to 2000 badges and 1000 bone-out-meat after the mini patch.
(this mission is currently disabled until the changes can go live)


Active Member
Thanks for those two info posts. I think I understand those answers and the extra info they provide. :)

I look forward to the stats info that you aren't allowed to post yet, as it is still pretty important info in the scheme of things. It does now seem fairly standard to have the rewards icons and thus their stats visible via the mission info these days, so hopefully the pet specs will be freed from secrecy reasonably soon.
What about the new "upgraded" fap being slower than the previous rank?

22/min vs 25/min

heal/sec didn't go up by that much considering rank VIII requires 9 levels more to max.

Seems like a bug to me...
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