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Just me, Calli!


Things that make you go Hmm!
Hmmm lots of early memories for me in the Entropia Universe. Running around, skilling, sweating creatures, spending hours on end searching for those tp’s across the two continents. Thrills of running through the red zone to get that last tp. Early on during my exploring I got separated from a friend as we were being chased by mobs. I wound up at a infamous outpost known to strand people for days, weeks even, till rescued.. I was one of the lucky ones. Five minutes after my arrival it was like a knight on a white horse galloped in. Imoyaro of NBK arrived and promptly asked if I needed help getting out. Yes!! I cried. Well that was the start of a 3 yr journey for me, 15 minutes following Imoyaro out of the Atrox, Araneatrox and Armax infested area and I was in awe. Not long after I joined up with NBK Societies and met some of the best Calypso friends I could ever have.

Eventually, I was promoted to Chief of Staff of NBK Societies. This allowed me to soc hop whenever I needed to help out, and allowed me to meet lots of cool people. Kiri, my General in NBK Elite, introduced me to MindStar9 and then the fun really started! Midnite Moods Fri parties where tons of fun. Star would broadcast on MSR as we would have dance contests, tt ring fights, swimming races and sometimes end it with a tp run to Athena. Most memorable was the surprise birthday party MindStar and NBK peeps had for me.

With the vehicles now available I roam the countryside always looking for that perfect picture to add to my collection of memories..(Although I do avoid riding in the front seat of the Humvee with Oddbunny when Mac is around, one Humvee pic of Calli is enough :whistle:) I’m waiting for the camera I can hold in my hand in game lol..I eagerly wait for the launch of Cyrene, to pick up my adventures and find a new place to call home. Having missed the MSR fun, I am thrilled to be once again reunited with a good friend Mindstar9. I look forward to the dancing and working my friends list to get the word out to join us for the fun! Now my story begins......


Things that make you go Hmm!
I slowly walk down the long length of the dark pier, memories filling my head. I remember the fun, dancing, explosions and swords lighting up the night sky. Thinking back to approximately 2 years ago I remember doing this same exact thing wishing for a MSR party. It had been awhile since I had seen MS9 we had all went down our own paths and ventured into different areas of the universe. I remember wishing for a MSR party that Fri night and how almost instantly I heard someone behind me and it was Star. She got the MSR link up and before long music was playing and I was messaging everyone on my friend list to come join us on the pier for a MSR reunion…

I sit down on the splintery pole I sometimes danced on top of,:rolleyes: OUCH should have remembered to take off the Spartacus armor first. I wonder if I will ever see MindStar again. Several days later, I receive a message from Star, short but brief. “Get your dancing shoes on girl!” She had been assigned to Planet Cyrene. Hmm, I recently heard about this place. I was intrigued, some new adventure, new scenery to document in my blog of adventures. Well, looks like I’ll be packing up my camera, clothes hmm maybe even my opalo for some new adventures.. I wonder about the dangers I have heard about there, what my future will bring on Cyrene? Ahh just what I have been craving, the adventure begins. Things that make you go Hmmmmm!